Rexha X Zavolu
Read Count : 146
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
"I thought it would be a long summer for a servant like me, but now I am no longer that servant who works in the desert in the hot sun. I'm now the Egyptian queen." Rexha was an average Egyptian who worked for her pharoh Zumali. He was an aging pharoh who would soon pass on his reign to his handsome son Zavolu. But soon had come way too fast. Zumali was already being mummified and put into his tomb. Before he had died, he had wished for Zavolu to be wedded on his cornation, so he put it in his will. Rexha had been in love with the soon-to-be- pharoh. She was in love with him ever since her eyes made contact with his. As a prince Zavolu had been busy taking in new responsibilities, but afterwards he would always make time with Rexha. Even if he was exhausted, he said to himself "I rather fall asleep in her arms". So during that summer day Rexha had been preparing for the coronation that was being hosted that night. As a servant of the royal family she was bound to help serve this important event, but she didn't want to do just that. She wanted to be married to the nineteen year old prince. Even though she was two years younger and knew the expectations of a pharoh's wife, she still wanted to be with Zavolu. A few hours away from the coronation, Rexha had visited Cleopatra's tomb and made a wish. A wish to have Zavolu fall in love with her. Then the mummy had suddenly spoken to answer Rexha. "Dear child, I can not make your wish come true." "What? But why not, my sire?" Rexha asked her. "Because the young pharoh is already in love with you." The mummy answered. A shock had spread throughout her face following tears and a joyful smile. As she stood up and shown courtesy to the tomb, pixie dust had flew around her. She was now clothed into a beautiful, golden, puffy dress. Her brown hair had been curled at the bottom and adorned with black jewels. "Go now, child. Your future husband is waiting for you." The mummy had said to her. Rexha bowed to the tomb and went on a head to the ball. The ball where she and Zavolu had finally married each other. After that she was no longer a servant. She was now an Egyptian queen that stood beside her love.