The Kingdom War: Freedom War Part 1 Read Count : 141

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter 1: start first mission 
In 1985 people post a more powerful picture ,than I thought it was a full time job and the other hand is called from right to left, but it was are not have friends who help me, I tell you about the story happen in the past, and then you have a problem with this one of the most important things about this kingdom war, but I think the best way to get more information about the war, but I think the only one of the most higher election of being  king of the green, he was going to be sing in 1985 the best way for the first time, I will have the option to open the door, but I think the best way to show up in the stage with my family, I want to be king of the powerful man in around England.
The king of secret war, his name is Mark fill, mark fill say that I have one think about love my country is fighting the emey around the world. I will be stop bad guy who has been lie about freedom war, and now I have one think before I parcel, how to fight. The only way I see you next week for parcel, but I think the best way to get more army with me is that make friends with me. I have one think that you can find out how start the war between England and ninja of Japan they start the war, because ninja of Japan they have plans to control the world before starting to control the world. The leader of ninja of Japan his name is chan, he want to bring army to England and Europe, he want to make Empire of spuer ninja,  Japan they have different story about ninja like ninja world or ninja of Japan, now that we have power of the most important things to make teams in around the world, in 1989 the war start between ninja of Japan and England and more different countries in Europe, but I think the best way for me to help people in Europe, after the fight  the ninja of Japan, the ninja of Japan they I want to make states in Europe. I see you next time in chapter 2. By sidahmed the writer. 


  • I wrote the story about the kingdom war: freedom war part 1,

    Mar 21, 2018

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