The Love Of My Life Read Count : 138

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
The love of my life is Kaity pearcy Ive mentioned her in one of my recent stories but two weeks ago we weren't friends we called each other names fought I lobbed her in a wall I'm that strong but one of her friends spoke to her about it and now we're friends.

She knows I love her and hopefully I will get her as my girlfriend eventually but I love her so much I would do anything to get her but I need you guys to support me. I'm really strong so I can protect her and other people every one likes me even her so soon she will open up:)


  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz

    hope you get her buddy

    May 14, 2017

  • Anthony Dicker

    Anthony Dicker

    thanks man!

    May 14, 2017

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