Diary Of A Black Swan
Read Count : 118
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
Part 1. Friday 24th of May 2019. Linkin Park - One more light. When I look in my own eyes they don't seem to be mine. I will stare in my mirror with my mouth open. Waiting until my lips will form the words you would always say to me. Second after second and minute after minute until I figure out that it is really my own face. Wow man, You really had the same looks as me and I had the same as you. I still can't believe what happened. Tomorrow is your party. We have chosen Saturday on purpose. I have found your book and I think you loved that day of the week. The best day of the week, like you often told me. What have I been stupid that I haven't seen that only the Saturday mornings could make you happy. I had noticed that you laughed more than during the rest of the week. I just thought that it was because of those football games. Sometimes I ask myself if I could have known something was wrong and should I have known, could I have done something. Oh my I would have loved to help you my son. If only I had the change to turn back time and do it all over again.
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