Read Count : 141
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Childrens
Langweenypangweeny is a black and white penguin who lives at 4959 Ice Driveway. His neighbor is fartsy who is always farting is ok but he isn’t as bad as pikle, now he is the absolute worst! But anyway Langweenypangweeny is a fun, fresh, handsome, penguin who is absolutely in love with Kate. She is a black and pink sparkly penguin who is kind loving but has a secret side. Langweeny is so in love with her that he just had to surprise her on her birthday with a box of chocolate covered salmon. Langweeny then waddled 12 blocks away to 4971 Ice Block Drive. He then ringed the doorbell, but no one answered. He rang it again and again and again, but still no answer! Langweeny then opened the door to see if she was ok but as soon as he did he was ambushed! Langweeny then took to his spy instinct and tried to fight off the ambushers but they know what they were doing, they must have been watching him. Once the ambushers finley got a brown potato sack over him the through him in the back of the seat and drove away, Langweeny was knocked out. When Langweeny finley awoke he was in a bed like chair, but from the looks of it, it was a torture chair! He had bloody scar on his beak and forehead. Then the door rose and a all black penguin with a mask on waddled in. He stopped in the moment of silence, just staring at him. “I didn't know we had the most famous agent from the other side here” The unknown pangen said. “ Wheres Kate?!” Langweeny asked. The unknown penguin never answered. “WHERE IS SHE?!” Langweeny screamed. “Why don't you have a look for yourself.” The unknown penguin said in a low mysterious voice. He then clamped his hands and a hologram appeared in the center of the dark room. It showed Kate in the middle of a battle. She was winning! As the video ended Langweeny was wondering if that was real or not and if it was, then he wanted to know if he actually know her. Two minutes went by in complete silence. Langweeny finally had the guts to ask who the unknown penguin was and what was Kate doing in the video. The Unknown penguin took off his mask and placed it in the ash, of all that he killed, about a foot away from the chair Langweeny with sitting in. The unknown penguin was now revealing his face. “Oh on” Langweeny said in fright. “Oh yes” the unknown penguin replied. The unknown penguin was actually the head of evil empire, Blood curse “Rokkitt.” Langweeny said in a fritten but fers tone. “ I should have known It was you.” Langweeny said in a disgusted tone. “ yet you didn't” said Rokkitt in a mocking way. Rokkitt left the room and Langweeny was left in silence. Langweeny tried to wiggle his way out of the chair, But it was no use. Since every time he moved It just got tighter. After a hour of nerve raking silence Rokkitt walked in. The two penguins had a star down,not knowing what the other will do next. Then Langweeny spoke, “ so what are we going to do just stare at each other all day or are we going to get some action” “Well if you insist then I guess I will do what I came here for” Rokkitt said. “And what might that be?” “I'll love it, but you probably won't. “ Rokkitt said knowingly. Rokkitt then pressed a button on Langweeny chair and said speak. All of a sudden the chair shocked Langweeny until late he passed out. Not acutely giving Langweeny time to speak. A little while later a new figure came in. “Have you come in to so called “ ask me questions.” langweeny said annoyed. “No I've come to rescue you, my love.” Langweeny looks up and notices that it's Kate standing there with the password in her hand. “ Kate I saw you fighting, are you ok? Did they hurt you?”Langweeny said in a questionable tone. “ Langweeny there's something I must tell you. Im am part of the agents here. But I'm willing to change if it means spending more time with you.”Kate said. “ How could you Kate. Why have they capered me? I NEED ANSWERS!” “ I know and I sorry Langweeny but I can not answer these questions until we get out of here, I have a jet outside waiting.” Kate unlocked the chair, then Langweeny and Kate ran off going through hall after hall after hall. Finley the two made it out, But not without some agents chasing them outside. The two never realized that they were being followed until they were surrounded. It was a cloudy day,with high winds. Then Rokkitt stepped out. “ Well look who it is Kate and the trader who has no mind.” “ Like I said Rokkitt, I'm not joining you. You're on the wrong side, you fight the good.” Langweeny said. “ ATTACK!” Rokkitt showted. The circe was getting tighter on the two runaways. Langweeny was preparing himself for a fight while Kate put on her mean face. “ So Kate let’s see what you can do against your own.” Langweeny said. Just as the gang was closing in, Kate did a front flip to get out of the circle attacking from the outside. While in the circle Langweeny was trying to attack 3 penguins at once, It did not work out in his favor since he was still recovering from the shocking and running with no mind. Langweeny was punch in the beak,then kicked in the gut, and finley a nasty knock out in the head. Langweeny was down on the ground laying in a pool of his own blood. Meanwhile Kate has successfully fought off and knocked out most of her comrades the only one that remain is Rokkitt. “This is the end you and your little friend.”Rokkitt said as he stepped closer to Langweeny who is still laying on the ground, helpless but able to hear. “Rokkitt you said if I joined you that you'd teach me how to fight, you also said you'd protect me since my father died! Was that all just talk to you, where you just saying that to my father so he died in peace?” “ Of course not! And besides it was our father not just yours.” “But you told me that you were fighting for the good of this plant,for this system!” Kate said,trying to bring Rokkitt back. It was raining heavily now. As Rokkitt was stepping closer to Langweeny getting ready for the kill. Just as Rokkitt was about to end Langweenys life, Kate jumped on Rokkitts back attacking him from behind. Rokkitt slipped and landed on his face, knocking him out. Kate then ran over to Langweeny picking him up and rushing him over to the jet. Once inside the pilot lifted up off the ground and flew to ice pole,which would take 6 hours to get to. Meanwhile Langweeny was on a medical bed with a crash cart next to him in the health room on the plan. Kate was a well trained doctor so she immediately took to the instincts. First she cheeked Langweeny for a pulse, weak but there. She then put an IV to make up for the loss of fluid, and blood. She also pricked him on his index finger to cheek that his blood was ok and to see if Rokkitt tried to poison him. Luckily he did not. But she wanted to make sure so she was going to prep for a full blood test. Just as she was going to stick the needle in Langweeny wolk up. “ Langweeny your up!” Kate said in shock. “ Well I was awake but I couldn't move or feel anything,yet I could hear and see.” Langweeny said puzzled. “So that's why you never woke up to any of the needle I have put into you for the past hour.” Kate said thoughtfully. “ Yes. Well now you know I'm alive, do you still have to run more tests?” Langweeny said in a nervous and hopeful tone. “ Yes, Langweeny I still have to draw blood, but it will be ok.” “Ok, but I won't be happy about it.” Langweeny said as if he were a 2 year old. As Kate put the needle in she saw Langweeny’s face had tears streaming down his face. “You know boys can cry to,and they don't have to be ashamed by it.” Kate said trying to make Langweeny feel better. After she took the needle out and put everything back she sat down next to Langweeny. “How are you not afraid to fight and get hurt, yet you don't like needles?” Kate asked trying to understand. “ See that's the problem, everyone asks that. It's not that uncommon to not like pointy things. I know I fight and I might break a bone or two,but that doesn't mean I'm all powerful and not afraid of pain.” Langweeny said trying to explain. “What?”Kate asked. “ I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are two different types of pain, in my perspective, hard and pointy. I'm more ok with being hit I'm not ok with, say a shot. Do you understand now?” “So you're fine with being hit but not with getting a shot?” Kate said in a confused tone. “ Yes,exactly.” Langweeny said with relief. “ You could have just started with that.” “ Well anyway, what were you talking about back there with Rokkitt being related to you”Langweeny said anxiously. “ Umm that was something I was hoping you would never find out. When I was young my Dad died because of drinking. He was having a bad day so he went out for a drink, he got drunk and when he was driving home the car slipped on the bridge and broke through ice.” “ Well how did your brother talk to him?” Langweeny asked. “ Well my brother,18 was at the bar with a couple of friends at the same time as my Dad.” “So it was suicide? “ Langweeny asked. “Well now that you put it that way, yes it was I guess. So what were you talking about being a traitor,or something like that?” “ Well that's a funny story actually.” “So by that you mean that it not funny at all.” Kate said “Yeah, well it all started when I was 19 and whet to the bar, I was talking to this guy,turns out to be your brother, he went to the bathroom and came back 10 minutes later. I asked him what took so long and all he said was “ my father is suicidal but there's nothing I can do about it. He told me that he had to take care of my sister,he said I had to take her and train her.” That's all he said to me, I never understood. Until two weeks later when I got a letter a in the mail. It explained that I would be training with him and some other new trainees. Well I got there and saw him, your brother. I was there about a year and I was going to go on my first “big spy adventure” and the night before I was going to ask him about the island I was going to but he wasn't there so,I was doing some snooping and” Langweeny expanded but was cut off. “ Wait so my brother know my father was suicidal but ehe never did anything about it?! So you were invited to be trained, My brother was head? Even back then he was head?” Kate said in surprise. “ Yes he tried everything but your father was too far gone. Now where was I... Oh yes I was snooping around and came across a file that had my name on it, so I thought it was mine I opened the file and saw a bulleted list that went like this Get Langweeny to join Train Bring sister in Create army Kill the other side Make the peasants bow down to me “ Then before I was finished reading he walked in. I asked in the most comist tone I asked him what It was. I could tell he never wanted me to read It, so then he said “ Well It was earlier then I expected but will you join me?” I never thought the power would go to his head but it did. I shoved the file in his chest then ran to my room. I grabbed my suitcase and put my gear belt and ran. I ran to the house I'm in now, but back then It was my cousin house. He said I could stay with him until we got bored of each other, I found the agents that I'm with now and then this happened. That was 9 years ago Kate, 9 years ago!” Langweeny expand trying his best to make sense. “ Well do you think we should just leave the spy life and go off to some place and live our lives separate from this world?” Kate asked in all seriousness. “ Well, I do think I would want to take a break from this adventure and go live a new one.” Langweeny said mysteriously. “ Oh yeah, well then what is that?” Langweeny got down on one knee took out a ring that he has been holding this whole time and said “I know this might be to soon, or I might be out of my mind, but will you do me the honour of marrying me?” Kate’s face was bright red and she jumped up in excitement. “ I'd love to marry you, ever since the day I laid eyes on you, I know!” “ So Id take that as a yes?” “ Of course that's a yes! What are you crazy?” Then they heard the caption say “ We have now reached the Ice Pole.”