Cricket Song
Read Count : 142
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Crickets is the sound when I sleep But I wake to Silence so deep For a moment, before my brain has caught on.. I know not that you are gone Can't these whispering voices be hushed? Can not the still heart be rushed? You find no conviction in my words or prayer.. Only my own secret meaning lodged there Could I have a purpose sweeter than this.. Ever such want of those lips to kiss? Ever dared to dream a dream so high It can only be ended with a mournful sigh.. And fluttering of wings.. Twisted Broken Thing Lying on the ground so hard.. I pick it up and its a shard.. A glittering fragment it catches the light.. Reflections shoot past me.. Escape my sight.. Passion rekindled in me anew at the thought of touching you Digging through pieces in my mind I recall the time I was left behind That is when I begin to fear and sometimes hide when you are near But this is where I stand out.. I can make you hear my shout.. And just as quick I can decieve.. A convincing tale I can weave.. Or I could make you feel my desire.. Raw White Hot Burning Fire.. And this is what will really soothe.. Here..Here is where I can tell the truth