Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I found a path. A beautiful one. But I had to open a door to reach there. The door was locked, so I couldn't open the door. I tried to open it, I pressed and kicked the door, but it didn't open. Then I thought, the path was not for me, I don't deserve it. So, I choose to leave. But, then, it threw a key towards me. With lots of hope, I tried to open it. But nothing happened. The door didn't open. Depressed, I sat near the door for sometime. It threw another key towards me, but that couldn't open the door. Sitting there in front of the door, I thought I should leave, to where I came from. But I knew that doesn't take me to my dreams.And here, I'm in front of a door which never opens.
Suddenly, I felt someone calling. I followed the voice. In front of me was another door, which lead to a path which was not beautiful as the previous one, but was good. I checked the door. It was not locked at all. I could open it. But I knew it won't take me to my dreams. I was about to open the door, then the previous door threw another key towards me.
Now, I'm standing between the two doors, not knowing what to do. I have two choices to make, One, trying all the keys that the door throw towards me, hoping one day it would open for me. Or, opening the door, which leads to a path, which I never wished for, leaving all those dreams behind.
So, which one should I choose, the door to my dreams, or the door that is already opened for me?
This was such a wonderful read. I felt some type of connection to it. The door that's ready for you to walk through is the one you should focus on in the present moment. The door that won't open yet, is the door you have to work towards to one day be able to walk through when the time is right.😇
Feb 16, 2018
I love this! It's beautifully written. I believe you are at a crossroads right now or at the time you wrote this. You were probably torn between choices and decisions and you are not sure which way you should go. If it were me, I would usually go with my heart. Then again, that's me. I hope by now you have found the right path for you. And it would also be nice to read a continuation of this coz this is just superbly written. 💜
Jun 19, 2018