" I'm Not Okay. " Read Count : 67

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
When someone try to ask you,
"  Are you okay? "

You usually say ,
" I'm okay. "

They sometimes ask you again,
" Are you sure you're alright? "
" Did u hurt yourself? "


In my case,
I always say the negative response.
" I'm not. "
" I'm not okay. "
" I'm really not okay at all. "

I also always make jokes that I wasn't supposed to.
" Nah, I'm just voice acting (character's name). " 
Then, I give a smile with no meaning behind it.

So that's how they always think I'm joking when I say 
"  I'm not okay. "
When I made an obvious face that let them know 
" It's not a joke. "

" sorry."

And...they were right about how emo I am.

I always cried when I wasn't supposed to,
but I didn't cried when I'm supposed to
or more like I can't .
I can't even shed a tear when it's something really serious.

To hide my tears,
I always look down and try to let the tears stop flowing,
and try to wipe my tears with my shirtsleeve,
pretending that I'm yawning,
rubbing my swollen eyes
and lastly 
I said 
" I'm okay. "

When did I say "  I'm not okay. " ?
When I felt really sad, disappointed, angry and depressed.

Wherever I go, I will always look down .
I'm don't want to meet something troublesome,
I want to avoid as many troubles as I can,

but I keep making making troubles for others.

I wish one day I will say
" I'm not okay. "
And give a big smile to " someone "

The end X) thank you for reading my useless thoughts.


  • 😮

    Feb 16, 2018

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