Blackheart By Bill Diehl Read Count : 105

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery

My wife, Michelle, and I live in Newnan, Georgia. It's cold with strong, gusty winds this day in our little part of south Georgia.

 From my experience, winters here wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the constantly blowing wind.

Leaving work, I fight the blasts of wind, finally  making it to my car. She cranks right up. 'Thank God!' I say outloud.

I pull out and head toward The Wine Outlet in Grantville. This extravagant little wine store is a few miles out of the way, but well worth the drive.

Just a quick stop today to browse the wine and cheese sections.  Outstanding imported wine and cheese selections here.  More than likely they will have all the newest competes.

I pull into the parking lot and it's packed. Looking around, I spot an empty space not too far from the entrance to the store.  I race over and grab it before it's nabbed by another customer.  As I pull into the space, I catch a glimpse of what appears to be a very attractive woman.  From this distance, she looks to be in her  mid-twenties...24, 25?

As I get out of my car and begin closing in on this woman.  I'm blown away.  Her unique, lovely appearance captivates me.  "What awesome natural beauty" I think to myself.

She's carrying two shopping bags in her arms and has a vintage Gucci handbag thrown over her shoulder.
As I watched her, I felt transported back to 1969 and the Woodstock Music Festival or the Strip in Midtown Atlanta.

I saw her flawless face and radiant smile. Her lovely features are complemented by her long, gorgeous, red-tinted blonde hair. A vouge red, white, and blue badana was in constant battle with wind to keep her spectacular golden mane in check.
And, the retro hippie fashions she was wearing, the rad black leather bell-bottoms, skimpy psychedelic halter top and fringed suede jacket, somehow enhance her beauty making her almost perfect.  It was to the point I could almost believe this stunning woman had mystically stepped out of the early 70's, right into the mid-80's.

The fact I am a married man vanished. I mean, 'til now, the thought of being with another woman had never crossed my mind.  But in a matter seconds, my wife became non-existent. She was gone from my mind like a tiny speck of life lost in the darkness of the universe.

Was the wind causing my eyes to tear it was it this gorgeous woman?  Either way, her beauty left me speechless and stunned.
Almost as if entered another dimension where nothing matters but her.

Snapping back to reality in just enough time to gasp a quick breath followed by three optimistic words... 'My Beautiful Princess!', spoken into her ear for all to hear.

My face so close... Her hair brisk across my nose as the scent of Victoria's Secret Rapture enters my senses. This plays a scene in my mind so romantic, you might think it's Princess Diana's wedding day.

Before this impulse of insanity, we seemed certain to depart for eternity.

Suddenly...  The sound of glass  shattering, along with noises of other condiments that crash land next to me, silence the Shakespearean look-alike who is madly dancing in my mind.

In that split second, my first deception found it's perfect moment.

I remove and pocket my wedding band. Instantaneously,  a future KARMA premonition is imagined. I fear third eye blind would soon come back to haunt me.

As an apologetic thought takes shape, I hear her uncontrollable laughter. It catches me so off guard all I can do is stare at her. Like a pitiful leper that accidentally brushes against her might.

Have my desperate prayers been answered?

Chapter 2

Unexpecting but resilient eyes slowly adapt to the sun light emersing my pupils. While in almost perfect sequence, twinkling streaks glimmer into and out of the window above. 

As the awakening process slowly comes about, I imagine reality frantically waving its finger at me as the profound reality of yesterday's battle with myself, feels like its stareing me down.

The sound of my pager vibrating on the oak floor next to me brings to light the reality of my situation.

At this moment, 18 pages from my wife have gone unanswered. 

I feel certain... For the moment anyway. She's extremely worried and confused. But have no doubt... A short time from now, resentment will be all that's on her mind.

Stretching my arm towards the floor just long enough to turn my pager off, I quickly roll over and wrap my arms around this beautiful woman. 

A smile comes upon me as I take a deep gasp of breath through my nose, inhaling her lovely scent. 
As I exhale, I feel as though my brain's releasing thousands of endorphins. This leaves me feeling incredible. 

The fact I lay in this strange bed with a woman I've known less than 24 hours, feeling no guilt, shame, or remorse... I can not explain.

 I realize my heart is cold and my mind made up.

I close my eyes and feel myself drifting back off to sleep again. 

Chapter 3

1992 - Seven years later.

The sun is just starting to rise as the red, yellow, and orange streaks flash across the calm Atlantic Ocean. 

It is 7:22 am eastern standard time in Hyde County, North Carolina. 

This farthest northeastern part of  North Carolina is Black Bear country.
But not just any Black Bear. But the largest Black Bear on the planet.

The climate and geography in North Carolina seems perfect for these bear. Specially the northeast coastal region. The fact these bear don't have to hibernate here means they eat year round. Bears between six and seven hundred pounds are common. Making them much larger than anywhere else in the world. Which a big Black Bear would top out at around four hundred pounds.

This attracts hunters in a big way. They come from all over the world in hopes of leaving with a trophy bear.

It's November so it's cold , but a little above freezing. The winds are a little heavy coming off the Atlantic. But actually better than I expected. 

I continue slithering across the wetlands created by the Black waters of the Chowau River.

Like a snake seeking its prey, I catch the first glimpse of my target. Then at almost the same time, I see an astonishingly huge, but absolutely gorgeous Black Bear. 

Through the scope of my Winchester 30.-.06, this bear looks every bit of 600 pnds.

Standing up I stomp through the swampy marsh where directly in front of me is a cypress.
I slide my Winchester up against the tree and aim the target up through my scope. 

He's about 700 yards from me. Hes seen the bear and is getting ready to take a shot. It looks to be about 400 yards away. 

Instead of taking the target right out I decide to give him a shot at the bear first. 

 He's taking much to long to take the shot. Through my scope he also appears to be shaking just a tad.

After what seems like an hour he finally pulls the trigger. 

It's a miss though. From what it looked like by watching.... Just high. The bullet was probably a little above the bear.

So, I pull my trigger. less than a second later the bears head explodes. It catches the target so off gaurd and frightened he drops his weapon. 

As he leans down to pick it up I take aim. As he starts to straighten up I pull the trigger. Suddenly his arms fly upward as he trys clinching his chest but before he has a chance  falls to the ground hard.

A half an hour later I make it to the target. After a quick examination...

A direct hit to the heart. 

'Perfect shot!'  I tell myself.

               Chapter 4

      Southeast Asia-1975

Chi Ho Minh is in frantic mode.
It seems the rain will never end. In less than 4 hours it will have been raining for 24 hours straight... And hard.

Minhs real concern lies with the American POW. General Minh has had him caged in the the Congo River for almost three days now.
Minh needs the American not only alive, but healthy.

Minh thought he and his small troup would have been back yesterday...

Unfortunately for Minh, the seven mile journey has taken almost twice as long as he had originally planned. The mud and pouring rain make the hike not only treacherous. .. But painfully slow.

When Minh and his lutientants finally arrive at the part of the Congo where the American is isolated... Minh begins barking orders. 
The two young soldiers quickly come to attention. 

In the near distance ,a beautiful young Viet Cong woman, whom has been with the troups on the hike, now seperated. looks on from the brush down bank from the Congo.

'Nang nua len, do ngu!'
'Nang nua len, do ngu!'
Minh screams!

The two soilders frantically work their way toward the edge of the muddy banks of the Congo. Reaching out and standing on his toes, Minhs slightly taller lutientant is able to grab the hoyst from the tree limb it hung on.

'Quickly,' General Minh shouted in an irritated voice as he finished and tossed a hand rolled smoke in the mud.

Slowly but surely they get the flimsy bamboo cage to the rivers edge. 

Inside, the American... Looking weak and defeaten, but alive.

His hands are bound tight to the top of the cage. The American desperately tries to see out of squinted red and irratated eyes.

Suddenly the American begins coughing uncontrollably. He is trying his best to get a decent gasp of breath, but his cough becomes more and more eratic. His cough finally seems to be coming to a peak.
Suddenly, it comes to its dramatic climax as the trapped water in the POW's lungs comes pouring out. 

Though it seems painfully difficult, the American finally suceeds in taking several deep gasps of breath.

It has been almost three days since General Minh had the American lowered up to his neck in the Congo river.

As soon as the two men have the cage safely on solid ground, Genral Minh begins screaming orders at them again. 'Open the cage door. Then cut the American loose.' Minh ordered. 
No more than a second or two later he begins shouting at his two lutientants again. 

'There' he shouted, pointing towards a level grassy spot about 15 yards away. 'Put the prisoner there.' 

Each got under one of the prisoner's arms, they give a quick glance at each other as saying, 'begin walking.'

The American is no help. 3 days in the small cage in the river has damn near killed him.

The Americans feet and knees dragged through the thick brush and mud, but it t is quickly over.

As the two lutientants get to the grassy area Minh order them to take the POW to, they sling the American to the ground. His face slams into the wet marsh and his nose begins bleeding. 

Minh quickly and angrily motions his men to stand back. He's plan depends on the American being healthy. 

The American lay silently on the drenched grassy knoll. Naked from head to toe, he rolls on his side and takes a fetal position. 
Out of the corners of his blood shot eyes he catches a glimpse of the General as the blood oozes 
out of his nose.

The General slowly moves forward towards the POW until his boots actually rest against the American's stomach.

Minh pulls out another cigarette, lights it, and takes a long slow drag. THen slowly blows the smoke out as he stares down at the American.

Minh then shouts at the America 'look at me' look at me.'

The American slowly opens his eyes and stares into the eyes of this loathed foe. His eyes tell the story. 

General Minh doesnt break eye contact and slowly breaks a smile at the American then says in a soft low toaned voice ' You wish you could rip my heart out... Don't you?'

The American suddenly looks very sick. Beads of sweat form on his forhead and run off his nose into the muddy marsh.

Minh turns his attention down bank where the young Viet Cong woman is looking on. 

A word or sign are never exchanged, but she knows exactly what General Minh wants.

She unzips  a small brown leather bag she is wearing on her side. Reaching inside, the woman fumbles through the bag until she finds what she is searching for. Then slips it in her jacket pocket.

 Quickly she turns and heads towards General Minh.


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