Bailey Doss Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
He tried to kiss her! She grabbed him by the shirt, lifted him up, and threw him to the ground "Don't even think about it!" Bailey yelled angerly. She walked away and back up the stairs. Alex lifted up his head and looked at Bailey. Bailey walked into her room to notice her two friends looking down stairs from the window to see what happened "Wholey crap Bailey! You couldve had a boyfriend!" Sam said. Bailey rolled her eyes and went into her dorm room. She sat on her bed and looked at a picture of her and her old boyfriend that died in a car crash. 

  Bailey heard a knock on the door to notice Alex as he jumps for a kiss as her friends come they all blush and look at Bailey. Bailey grabs him by the shirt and throws him out the door. She laid her back onto the door slowly sliding down. The went on her knees and cried. Her friends Sam and Taylor confert her.

  She went down stairs to go get breakfast. As she turning her food round and round with her head down she looks up and see's Alex. She rolls her eyes "What do you want now kiss man 😒" Bailey said. "I just wanted to ask you, why have you been beating me up?" Alex asked "CAUSE YOU ARE TRYING TO KISS ME STUPID!!!!" Bailey yelled. As she picks up her tray and throws it at Alex. She walks to the doors to her car. She looks back and she saw Alex all mad. As she ran to her car she got in and locked all the doors. As Alex ran after her she drove onto Main Street but Alex was right on her tail. He saw a opened window and tried to jump in. Bailey drove back to the college where Alex would have to have a long walk to get back to.

 (It's over yet!) 


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