Read Count : 65
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Thriller
Man 27 crasheson I-25 jumps median and killd father with his 3 and 7 year children It was a rainy Wednesday when Tom stepped out his front door, the sound of children playing kick the can or something similiar reverberated down the street. The slight patter of rain made him decide to raise the hood of his bubble jacket, maybe not the fanciest of clothing but extremely practical and he liked practical. The children on the other hand paid the rain no mind as they continued to play theirgames. They had no real need to worry on this side of town parents couldnt afford the luxury of a cellphone for someone that has no boss or work to go to. As always the children never cared, the can serves its purpose of passing the hours and watering friendship quite dutifully. Holding his brothers present carefully under his umbrella he couldnt help but look at his new eggshell prius with what may even be happiness. Tom smirked and remembered bargaining with the used car salesman, who was in his early fourties or late thirties clean shaven with a close cropped haircut that looked like it may have been cut today. Tom didnt like him to much but he didnt dislike him either Tom managed to get his own fresh cut that day 30% off on one of the most sensible vehicles ever created. As he sat there caught in some time between when he bought his prius and going to his parents to see his brother he was interrupted by a can that came skipping down the road and bounced off his shoe. he turned to the kids threw thema quick smile than kicked the can back to be kicked Lord knows how many times until another can or another child takes the place of its predecessor. As the children went back to their game Tom turned and began to head to his families pondering how long kick the can or some variation had existed. Tom came to the front door of his parents house With his feet placed on the welcome mat that has been there since he was a child he reached up and knocked on the door. He didnt have to knock but he always felt awkward going into someones home unannounced. His mother answered the door with a large grin "Tom how have you been" she exclaimed she was always happy on holidays and birthdays even when the recession was in full swing and both money and happiness were spread thin even in the suburbs. Tom gave her a large hug overcome with joy of seeing his family. "I'm doing well mom that rain cant decide if it wants to stay or go" He said as he slide into his childhood home "Well it is colorado remember the pastor always says "If you dont like the weather wait 15 minutes"" With that she gave a wise you know im right grin Toms family didnt live far at all but college and than the job that almost always demanded overtime that he landed right after graduating take alot of his time. Not that it was anything to complain about if anything it was a blessing he got to stay in his home town around his family. Just than his brother missed the last step and hit the floor with a thud similiar to dropping a bowling ball. "Are you okay" cried out his mother but before she could finish he was already on his feet the beauty of youth Tom thought to himself. "Yeah im fine did i tell you about dudley getting a concussion at recess" His brother beamed almost seeming proud that his friend had gotten injured than he noticed Tom and broke free of his mother "Tom you came for my birthday!" "I did and i even brought you a present" Tom couldnt help but smile as his brothers eyes grew to the size of quarters, he handed him the a box wrapped in red wrapping paper. Behind that red wrapping paper was a handheld system and the newest pokemon game he had been begging for all year. "what is it" his brother exclaimed as he tore it open he began to chriek as he realized what it was "noway the new pokemon and the game system for it how could you afford it!" As his brothers amazement grew so did his mothers worry "tom how could you afford that are you eating well?" "Ive had plenty of overtime" he replied off handedly "where is dad"? "visiting his brother in the hospital the cancer wont kill him but he definitly doesnt seem to be enjoying being stuck in the hospital for anything longer than 10 minutes." she replied "i guess ill head over there before i go to work" he said which was true but first hed take a drive to calm his mind plus it seem the pastor was right the sun was beginning to peak through the clouds around the same time his brother was picking if he wanted a fire water or leaf starter in his new game. "enjpy your game lil man" "i will tom i love you ill stop by soon im even gonna nickname my starter tom!" and he was already absorbed back into his game as tom made his way out the door to walk the eight blocks back to his house. "as he slid into his prius he once again smiled to himself about his purchase. he started it up almost silent as expected threw itinto drive and went to enjoy his peace and quite as he made his way out of town watching the gas mileage gauge with pure satisfaction the sun had completly crept out from behind clouds. "the perfect time for a drive" Tom cheered to noone in particular and continued down the road it had begun to even out slightly and he could see the vibrant green off freshly watered plants clashing with the deep blue of the rockies on the horizon. As the land opened up he noticed there was a broken down car about a mile up the road. Tom could vaguely make out a tall man standing next to what could be a hearse. Tom normally wouldnt stop to help but his apprehension of it being a hearse dissolve as it seemed to melt into a prius just like his own, "That setting sun causes an intense glare" Tom laughed as the words came out of his mouth he didnt notice that the driver had made his way to the side of his car until the sentence left his mouth than the stranger knocked on his window. Tom had to roll it down because it was much colder out here so he had thrown his cigarette and rolled it up as he left the mesa. His cars outdoor temp raid 30 degrees cold enough to kill plus this guy did not look prepared to be stuck at the base of a mountain while the sun withered away. "well would you look at that we have the same car!" tom couldnt hide the joy in his voice over such a simple thing "It seems we do" the stranger replied "are you familiar with it i seem to be having an issue with it shutting off on its own" he continued as tears began to well at the corners of his eyes Tom thought about it for a moment and hurridly dug into his glove box to grab his owners manual he had just threw his cigarettes in there after rolling up his window and watched them land on the owners manual. Somehow now that sat there alone as if the manual never existed. "Sorry buddy it seems like i must have taken it out" Tom responded still confused about the missing book but the stranger wasted no time and spoke "sir my name is HermAnn and if you could be so kind would you please look up the nearest Tow service station" he produced a phone that seemed much to new for someone his age especially after saying tow service station but Tom said nothing "I can hardly answer calls let alone look up directions" With this he looked so beaten that tom thought "what could it hurt hell ill even drive him there so he can wait for his car to show up there instead of waiting on a truck to show up here it was getting cold fast his outdoor temperature read 26 degrees now. "hey why dont you just get in my car bud even with that woolen jacket and three piece suit you could get pretty sick" tom ventured normally he would just call for help but it has been an amazing week and he would rather keep karma on his side. Mean while Hermann as he called himself struggled with the handle, and climbed into the passengers side Tom hadnt paid to much attention but as he entered the car he must be about 6'3 and 180 pounds with eyes colored simliar to an iceberg crashing into the ocean. "i really do appreciate it it was getting quite nippy out there" Hermann says as he adjusts into his seat "well hermann it seems like we are just gonna have to go for a ride because my cellphone isnt getting service which also means no radio pal" Says Tom once again confused he was just listening to music it must be because he is in the low part instead of on the ridge. "Would you rather a gas station or a motel?" "Either is fine" hermann said casually "lets just start driving" As Tom watched the needle climb to 75 regular cruising speed on i-25 he began to feel lightheaded just than he saw the faces of the other three people that would headline the local news with him, as the front end of his beloved prius began to fuse with the hood of the oncoming car.
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