Chapter 1: Oops Read Count : 203

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography

Forward from the author: Hello thank you for reading what will be a multi chapter story arch of my life thus far. Written as fiction because I can emblish on certain activities I may or may have not taken part in. I will leave the details of such events to you the reader to decide what is Factual or not.

Im standing at the edge of the third tier overlooking my current predicament. A fucking bird cage, or what is formally known as Jackson State Penitentiary. And if for some reason your thinking that I'm a guard you'd be mistaken. I am inmate A573062. Who is back in prison on a parole violation. Ill come back to that a little later.

First allow me to paint a picture of what my current home looks like for those fortunate enough to never see a bird cage.Its big, as in it would easily fit on a football field big. Both sides are lined with four floors of barred cells so everyone can see everyone. You have a small steel toilet that no matter what the temperature is, it always seems to freeze your ass off when you sit on it. And yeah since everyone can see everyone they can also see you take a shit. The fine gentlemen on either side of you can smell what you ate the night before as well. On the first floor or base, is an open bay shower were you get to soap up your crack and balls for anybody to see. A few scattered steel Picnic style tables are scattered about the base for social gatherings like card games (gambling), religious enlightenment (gang meetings) or other tom foolery. Top all of that off with a nice coat of slate grey with spatterings of hazard yellow and a perpetual cloud of hopeless doom and you can get a fairly descent description of my new home. 

Where was i? Oh yes, I'm looking over the edge of the third floor tier onto the rest of the bird cage wondering how did I end up here again. For five long years I kept away from the idocracy that runs rampant behind these walls. I got out and life was good, I enrolled in college for the first time, I met a woman fell in love, I had all of my finances in order than back in prison I go. And i have to admit I cried like a baby, it hurt so bad to derail and have everything I was working toward pulled from under me because of a stupid choice I made. Going back to prison destroyed my psyche and made ripples through my life in ways i had at that time yet to understand. I was mad at everything but what I should have been mad was myself. I was so full of anger that my roommate attacked me over my socks, yeah you heard that correctly my socks. Anyway I tackled him and did my best to scoop his eye out of his head with my thumb. When I realized what i was doing I just got off of him sat back and said oops. I want you to know that I wasn't angry with him during or after the scuffle we had, I did feel it necessary that he quickly came to the realization that threatening to kill someone and attacking them isn't in their best interests when your locked in an over sized dog cage with them for twenty three hours a day. 

Other than the occasional fight or gang activity I tried my best to avoid like the plague, prison was boring. I had plenty of time to think and I didn't take it well. I lost my mind and verbally assaulted my girlfriend every chance I got, than apologize to her ten minutes later. Like I said it destroyed my psyche, I'm not excusing my actions just explaining so that you may understand where my head was at. I stopped eating, and it was weird I wasnt force starving myself of even hungry for that matter.. I guess i just lost the desire to eat. After about a year I was released again to complete parole over again, i broke up with my girlfriend and began to pick up the pieces of my life a shallow shell of my former self. 

Before I go forward with this story of my life I need to back up a bit to show you how i got here.  


  • Love the way you painted the picture. It was vividly clear that i felt like as if i was sitting there watching it all play out in front of me. Love this!

    Mar 14, 2019

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