Embers Life Read Count : 108

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Reference
Chapter 1

 "Ember come down to the stairs!"
 shouted my mum, she can be a pain some times. But never the less, I trudged down stairs and sat on a seat. Yum. It was a bit of lamb with a side of mash potatoe not forgetting the cheesey sauce. Mum kept asking questions like" How's school? Met any nice boys?"And all the embarrassing things adults ask. Why do they have to interfear? After dinner I hade my dessert it was apple pie with rich creamy custard and a delicious dollop of mint coco chip ice cream. After I went up stairs. My bed. Bliss. It's all I have ever wanted. To sleep. Then there was a knock on the door! " come in." I said in came a... Big brother! I ducked under my bed and closed my eyes
" Come out pritty little girl, I know your in here." said my big brother creepily. Still I stayed quiet reached my hand out and grabbed his leg!
He insinly fell over I climbed out and ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Chapter 2

In the bathroom I sat in the bath thinking about my brother. His name is grant he is my only brother . We aren't like this because we are brothers and sisters but because of his past. He is 21 andready has a child or two in fact they are twins me and mum said no children till he was 25 but had one when he was 19. Me and mum were not happy. That's why he has to sneak though the window. But I dispise him. He was so rude to mum. He does not have the dignity to be called Grant Sam Figs. He is disrespectful to all his family. 

Chapter 3

Long after he left I came out the bathroom. And breathed a sigh of relief. Few. Time to tell mum. I raced to the stairs hmm I could play safe and walk down the stairs or I could have fun by sliding down the banister. Let's have some fun. I placed my bottem purfectly on the right side of the stairs lifted my feet up and off I went! The breeze in my hair I could hardly open my eyes. I felt free. Then I landed I said  " landing!" I felt like a kid. So far today has been goodish the only bad thing is grant. Wait grant. Need to tell mum. I cartwheeled into the living room and shouted "Grant got in again!" mum froze, she stuttered " gg rr aa nn tt?" suddenly mum fell to the ground. 

Chapter 4
I called the ambulance. I started panicking. Mum was the only family member I could trust grant's out, dads in prison and the rest of the family are in Australia. It was just me and my mum. When the paramedics got here they told me some shocking news. 
" Ember, I don't know how to say this but..." said one 
"She's well..." started another 
"she's dead!" they coursed I felt like I got hit in the stumoch my mother is dead. Why did this happen to me? Have I done something wrong? Is it my fault. They said she died of shock and missed a heart beat I told them I had no one to go to and they said you have to sort it out with the council.

Chapter 5

The day after my mum died I went to the counsel. God was I nurvouse. It was so big there was meany stand glass windows one of a pinky child eating what it looked like my cats vomit wearing a brow rag dress and a brown bobbed hair style her eyes were pastel blue. Another was of my scary teacher Mr Strevens! His hair gray, top gray, tie gray trousers gray, and shoes gray. I walked to the front desk and told them what happened. They did not belive me so now my home is the streets. 

Chapter 6

My new home and life is hard. I eat 2 meals a day can't afford lunch so I cut it off. At dinner time more like last meal I sat on a softish cardboard box that I had folded and tried to sleep I  tossed and turned and tossed and turned. But still I couldn't sleep then I saw grant. "Where's mum?" he asked looking around
 "umm grant...." 
"she's dead" I burst out crying, grant sat next to me. "She's gone?" 
"Yes she's gone"

Chapter 7

Me and grant sat side by side sipping a cuppa coffee together he asked me about how mum died after I explained, he was blubbering so loud it echoed. I looked at my watch it was 11:30 wow it was late I leaned on grant and slowly drifted to sleep. When I awoke the next morning I was in a pale green room a little white fur rug and a photo of the twins grant must of carried me here. I sat up. Eww I stank of mud I got out of bed and shouted for grant. He said the shower was all ready on for me and it was next door. I went in, shut the door and locked it. I was all ready having flash backs I hoped in the shower and rinced out the mud. Once again my hair was it's normalb blond. After I climbed out and wrapped my body and hair in 2 separate towels underlocked the door and went into my room. I got some clothes on dried my curly locks put make up on. My pink lipstick, rose blush and hot pink eye shadow. Tied my hair in a bun and stepped into the corridor. It was FREEZING! I ran back to the room and put on a pastle jumper and tried again. Mutch better. I went to see the twins. "Untie Ember" said mimi and Mike, Mike was busy playing with his toys and mimi was sat on her mums lap. Grant's soon to be wife is called Fearn, her hair is chestnut brown with green tips and all ways has a green flower printed belly top. Her eyes are clover green on her right arm is a tattoo of a tree. I was guessing she was some sort of biologist. I told Fearn what happened to mine and grants mum. If course her mouth dropped. She looked at grant then looked at me. 
She said" because you are old enough we can look after you. "
I smiled and nodded. My life was slowly turning into heaven. 

Chapter 8

It was lunch time at the new family home, we had a lovely spring salad it had, lettuce, cucumber cherry tomatoes and spring onions. I had a glass of lemonade and gulped it all up I love lemonade. After I played with the twins, Mike and me played dragons and knights he was the Knight and I was the dragon. I played with mimi next, we played hair dressers I was the hair dresser I made mimis hair into little bunches. Her hair was a lovely blonde with massive blue eyes. Mike had ginger hair and big blue eyes as well. He loved getting it all messy. After I put them in their cots and told them a bed time story I closed the door. Yes. Peace at last. The twins were asleep. My turn. I went to my room and jumped onto the bed lied down, shut my eyes and fell fast asleep. 

Chapter 9.          

When I awoke it was half 4. Then there was a huge crash. It came from the twins room. I jumped up and ran to the twins room. Mimi was still asleep but Mike was definitely not. I picked him up changed his nappy and put  him in the play room. He was OK. Few. I went into the twins room and looked at the cot Mike had broken his toy dragon. It's head snapped off and it was missing some teeth the legs were still attached to the body but the scales had fallen off. When he asked for his dragon all I could do was explain that it was broken. He was not happy. He cried and cried and cried day in day out. He would not eat nor sleep. No one got sleep for at least a week we tried everything but it did not work. Then I had an idea. 

Chapter 10

" we can bey a new dragon!" i said 
There was a mumer. 
"OK then " said Fearn. The next day I went to the toy shop. There on a shelf was a magical dragon. I picked it up. It was €3 wow I bought it and ran back. I huffed. I puffed. I walked. I was still out of breath. I sat down. I started to cough and splutter I tried to stand up but I fell down I crawled. As fast as I could. Suddenly, I stopped. I had to I leaned against the wall I felt sick and dizzy. I cried "help" 
A man came over and called someone on his phone, everything went blurry and the voice was muffed. As if there was a blanket between us. The world got darker and so did my hopes. The man called the ambulance. It was the second time I had sawn them. Then, the world went black. 

Chapter 11

In my head I was alone. In a dark room, or even world. I felt so lonely. I could see what was happening. I was in the ambulance now a man shock me. But I couldn't reply. He took out my phone and called some one. I guessed it was grant. I looked around the endless world around me. I felt odd. I think I bolonged. When I got happy I started to awake. I went sad again. I look out my window. I was in the hospital in a white and blue robe my hair was a mess and meany things were stuck to my chest. I went past the dead ward and saw my mum. I cried and started to be happy. I chanted "love happy love happy" 
I was alive again. 
Chapter 12

I cried for help but I was not heard then they got a needles. I closed my eyes and got ready for the pain. I opened one it was all ready over. Around me were meany people so meany 


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