Invisible Touch Read Count : 139

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"Don't judge a book by its cover" .... a saying that resonates well with me. For as long as I can remember, I have always been judged by the way I dress, the way I speak, the way I carry myself, the things I do, and the list goes on. I have always been misunderstood because I refuse to follow the crowd and instead choose to march to the beat of my own drum. I have been 'labeled' with all sorts of things. Though it used to hurt me when I was younger, now I don't let it get to me anymore for I am wiser and I know better.

How many people out there have actually taken the time to make a real effort to really get to know me? To try to understand me? Do they even know of my struggles? Do they even care?

I imagine if I were a book, I think most would only read just one chapter, mostly out of curiousity. Those who presumed to 'know' me, would probably read two chapters before making a claim they already know the rest of the story. And those who judge me by my cover alone, they would most likely have chucked me to collect dust in some back corner of their mind without being bothered to even look through the pages simply because they are just not interested to know the truth.

How many out there know of the process I had gone through from breaking out of my cocoon, crawling from the inside out to the point where I had spread my wings, taking flight for the beauty I have become?

There is beauty in the world amidst all the ugly cruelty and that is the beauty I seek within myself. The beauty which contains light that shines bright; the kind not meant to be contained within a self-made cage. But for a long time, fear held me back. Fear of a life of judgment from others which I had believe could possibly kill me with a single blow.

Then out of the blue, God sent me an angel. He made it a point to read every page, every word, and every syllable hidden between the lines. He took the time to look deeper than the surface. He explored every chapter and took notes of every fullstop and every comma. He made an effort to read me from cover to cover and it was that single touch which has set me free.


  • You and I feel similar, when I was in Highschool upperclassmen used to make fun of me alot because I liked poetry and dancing. Alot of people did, but instead of looking at my work they were content with abusing my feelings. Even some of my own family made me into a joke for being who I am. I found strength in not only god, but friends that wanted to read my work.

    Feb 01, 2018

  • very relateable

    Feb 02, 2018

  • Idea Contractor

    Idea Contractor

    Good😘 short and precise.

    Feb 07, 2018

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