Avikar (rough Draft/ Beginning)
Read Count : 128
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
The Avikar Chapter #1 ‘Twas many years past that this tale did occur. ‘Twas during the age of dragons and elves. This was when we were a people whom humanity trusted as well as all beings of that time. We are the Avikar and we were greatly betrayed by the humans we loved and protected. Now we live in solitude, our people suffering, in the age of man. An Avik is alike to humans in many ways, however, we are much stronger, smarter, and physically appealing. Another attribute of ours is our hair, it is pure white. We are on a quest of revenge, or, we were, Until the human king Arthur came into power. This is when I was chosen as representative of our people. My name is Bethany and I represent the opinions of all Avikar to the round table. As the request for a representative was sent last week, I have traveled for five days and miss the solitude of the forest I grew up in. I have met many men and women who were stunned by my appearance and some called me a witch while others called me an angel. My ancestors have lived in solitude long enough that we are called ugly by rumor. I have escorts with me so that nothing will happen on this trip to the new young king. They soon prove to be just what I need as there have been attempts to harm me throughout my journey. My escorts are taking care of it, but, whenever people learn what I am they turn scared. Because our common name, a derogatory term, is Orc. We disfavor this name as it relates to some of our more aggressive groups, the Orak tribe to be exact. After our five-day journey, we arrive at King Arthur’s castle. I am in awe as I have never seen such a structure, but, I am not afraid or intimidated, I am intrigued instead. As my escorts present me to the king I am frozen from nerves and suddenly I see him. I recognize Excalibur first, as one of my ancestors wielded it once. He is roughly my age, but, I most likely look younger as Avikar age slightly slower. He is handsome for a human boy, but, other than that I notice his eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul, and I see every inch of his. He has come to me with wisdom and honesty in hand. I greet him after a moment’s pause and to my surprise he glares at me. “So,” he begins, “The Orcs think so little of me that they send a child? Is that it?” My anger heats my ears and face to a bright red. “Your majesty,” I begin, “You called for our wisest heir to the throne of all Avikar and here I am. Forgive my age, but, we are close in this regard, so, please, bear with it.” He laughs and says something along the lines of I just wasn’t what he expected. Not to mention that my bluntness was greatly welcomed. I think that he is more of a child than I am, surely. Then he becomes serious. “I called you here for a reason,” he begins, “The Avikar are people, warriors, of legend and I want to incorporate your skills into my army as well as introduce your culture and people to my kingdom. I would like to see our kinds unite as one.” I am speechless. This boy, this child, wants to understand my people. But, what he has said, this uniting of our kinds, is impossible. I compose myself and speak. “Your majesty, although we recognize you as our monarch this feat is simply impossible to accomplish. Furthermore, your people will not take kindly to the invasion from my people. My escorts can testify to that fact. I can help you with your army, but, no more I’m afraid.” “Why not,” he replied, “What human would dare attempt to harm one of you? Whenever I heard of an Orc as I child I was terrified, since you are far more intelligent than us. Not to mention your strategic prowess.” I heave a sigh of disdain and reply with a heated tone. “My king, you are sorely mistaken in two aspects, one, we are called Avikar NOT Orcs, and two, not everyone shares your views. People hear of an Orc and they think of a slimy, stupid, Neanderthal with a hot temper.” He seems shocked for a moment then. He looks at me and I am nervous again, I lost my temper, so I don’t expect him to accept my words. However, he surprises me by grabbing my hand and kneeling. “May lady, please accept my apologies for offending you. This was not my intention. I only wanted to keep your people’s culture alive and known to my people.” I see his true nature now, a kind, young, man with good intentions and a fine heart. I speak. “My king, please stand. You are lord over this land, not me, and please, your forgiveness is certain, don’t question that.” He looks at me and stands to his full height. We continue talking till evening. He then requests one of the servants to show me to my room to prepare for dinner. As soon as I am ready to dine, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. With reflexes like a cat I pin the person against the wall of my room. It is a fair woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She is tall and lanky, but, younger than either me or the king and has a marvelous beauty about her. The kind of beauty that only shows itself visually when the child is grown. She looks scared and then I realize I am still holding her. I release the child and apologize quickly. This girl composes herself and speaks, “My name is Guinevere, and, I am the future queen. Please show some respect, ambassador. Next time such an act is portrayed I will discuss punishment with our king.” I am flustered, so many children are far beyond their age here. I then collect myself and speak. “My lady, I was merely surprised and as many wish me dead I must be cautious and defend myself. Please forgive my behavior as it was not against you, but, merely a cautionary measure.” Now she is surprised, I look close to her age, I suppose, and many her age are not so eloquent and courteous in their speech. She looks at me up and down and surmises something, I’m not sure what. Then she says this. “Lady Bethany, I hope I am not mistaken, but, are you, per chance, an Orc? I am not one to judge someone based on rumors, but, you didn’t kill me. Why?” I speak as though in pain. “My lady, I would never kill unless my life was in danger and my people are quite peaceful. Furthermore, we are called Avikar, NOT Orcs. This term is quite insulting, rather, as it is based on the Oraks, our most primitive-like people. They have been a disgrace and as such we take great offence to the name Orc.” She is speechless, I expected as much. I may even be driven out, or worse, killed due to my speech and inflections. “Lady Bethany, I had no intention of offending you or your people. Please, accept my apologies.” I am shocked once more. How can people in such power not take offence of my temperament? But soon Guinevere ushers me into the dining room. The king and some of his knights are sitting at the table already. A seat is open beside King Arthur and one between one of his knights and a young squire. Once I sit in place between the knight and the squire I am immediately startled by a loud thud. The good King Arthur has slammed the table. I look to him and see rage upon his face. He looks at his fiancé and exclaims, “Did you not tell our guest of the arrangement?” Guinevere bows her head in submission. He glares at me for a moment then sighs. He then makes a gesture for me to come hither. Once I walk to him he gestures to the open seat next to him. I had assumed it was Guinevere’s seat, but, I suppose it is for guests. I sit, we pray, and we resume our meal. I have now seen a new side of King Arthur, anger. I am pleased that humans have the same emotions as me and my people. However, what triggered such an outburst? I suppose he must have planned everything very carefully, or, something of the sort. It is unimportant to me. I am eating my meal with fervor because it is so delicious. I look up for a moment and notice the young squire, who must be close to Guinevere’s age, is glancing at me from time to time. Very obviously as well. I then realize he is looking, not at me, but, at Guinevere. I am impressed by the gall of the smitten boy, as well as Guinevere, who is glancing back and giggling. Arthur notices this but continues eating. I suppose he believes she will grow out of this infatuation by the time she and Arthur are wed. I digress, the youth in this room are proving to be quite interesting. However, my mind goes back to my home where my siblings and their friends are, I lose my appetite. These thoughts are a curse as those times are gone now. My family and friends are destroyed, by the ones who are supposed to be our kind, the Orak tribesmen. This is a story for another time and I will not let is contain me further. This is when the King touches my arm. “Lady Bethany. Are you alright?” he says, concerned. I realize then that everyone is looking at me and my tears. “Excuse me your majesty. May I go to the washroom? I must clear my head and my face.” He gestures for one of the servers to show me the way and once there I let loose a torrent of sobs. I collect myself after a moment and use the wash basin to clear the tears from my face. I use the nearby cloth to dry myself and return to the table. Dessert is now being served and Guinevere’s eyes light up. So, do mine and everyone else’s except King Arthur, who simply smiles proudly. We continue to engorge ourselves with the delicious food until we can eat no more. We then move on to discussions about the country and other matters of the people. It finally becomes my turn to speak of my people and what we must do to unite our hierarchy. Once I begin I realize I have the attention of the entire table and my face becomes hot and I begin to sweat as the world begins to spin around me. I suddenly feel a warmth upon my arm. It is the King’s hand upon me. My world steady’s and I speak easily. “My people have been persecuted for many a year now and if we are to acclimate to your monarchy we must have a law that punishes any who harm or murder my people.” This is my ultimate request and I am anticipating the final decisive answer to my last request. The king is the first to speak. “Lady Bethany, until this request you have asked for very little, allowance of trade and such, but, according to your escorts my kingdom has many people who wish yours harm. What do you suggest I do to enforce this law you have proposed?” I pause for a moment. What the King has stated is fact, however, he underestimates my understanding of his people. Yes, the guards themselves may be against it at first, but, most revere the law over their own views. This fact coupled with the behavior of my escorts suggests that simply putting the law in place will greatly diminish this behavior as well as put my people’s lives on the same level as the humans. I speak with conviction evident in my voice and expression. “My King, you underestimate your own people. I know as fact that your people respect you as their King and will follow your laws to the best of their ability. Have you forgotten the very escorts you mentioned? If they had not respected you as their king I would be dead. Also, your loyal knights will do whatever is necessary for your benefit. Please, have faith in those who follow you.” King Arthur smiles and shakes his head, “You are one of a kind Lady Bethany. Only you can see such promise in humanity.” “Not true, your highness.” I hear a voice from the shadows, out steps an old man from the shadow underneath the window behind me. He has a small amount of stubble upon his face and he is holding an old wooden staff. For the most part, however, you wouldn’t notice him if you were to pass him on the road. “Who are you?” I reply. “My name is Merlin. But you may recognize me by a different name, Emrys.” I curtsy deeply. “Your eminence.” I say, reverently. Arthur peers at Emrys. “What do you want Merlin? Are you here to advise me on this subject or to just speak nonsense?” “Nonsense.” He replies, “But I can settle for advice.” Emrys begins to speak to the king as though they are old friends. Which I suppose they are. “Your majesty if I may, what she says is truth. Your people have great admiration for you as well as respect. As such this law will be taken very seriously by the majority of the people within this kingdom.” Arthur sighs and I smile. With this he agrees to write out a formal decree and execute this law immediately. Chapter #2 I awake the next morning to a crow. I begin to wonder if I will be sent home since my duties are done. I dress myself and head to the garden. It is a marvelous sight. As I walk in the early morning twilight I catch a glimpse of Guinevere standing next to a rosebush. That is when I hear it. A bow string being pulled. Whoever it is they don’t see me, and I run in their direction. I catch them from behind and tackle them to the ground. It is an Avik or more precisely an Orak. I shriek, and Guinevere sees what is happening and runs inside. The Orak grabs a strewn arrow and stabs my shoulder. I reel back screaming and he nails me to the ground. I struggle to get back atop, and I hear a sickening squelch as he falls onto me soaking me with blood. Once inside, cleaned, and dressed I speck with the slayer of the Orak, King Arthur. He has never seen an Orak, so I must explain to him how to recognize one. However, he speaks and reveals his wisdom is true. “That was an Orak, true?” “Yes.” I reply “You can identify them by the tattoo upon their neck. For some awful reason they have found a way to infiltrate your kingdom.” “Do you know of a way to defeat them?” He says concerned. I reply, “They are mortal, you simply have to fight them with superior skills and tactics.” I pause, “Thank you for rescuing me, my Lord. However, why would you save me, an Avik?” “I search for equality,” He says staring outside as some of his servant clean up our mess. “and equality is for everyone. Fighting should be something anyone can do, even me. I like to think that anyone and everyone should fight for their people no matter their standing and social class.” I think for a moment and I agree. War involves everyone through consequence, so everyone should fight for their own standing as well as their fellow man and woman. “My king, If I may be so bold, may I learn to fight as well?” He stares at me now switching his gaze from the window to my eyes. “Yes,” he begins, “I will train you personally. You will go through the ranks of knighthood like anyone else. Are you willing to go through such an endeavor?” “Yes, your majesty. I am an able and willing squire. Please, work me ‘till I bleed. Once I am healed” I say with a curtsy. It is decided, I will stay until my training is complete and I become a Knight. The next morning, I am awoken by a loud sound outside my room. It is the young squire I saw before. He is blowing a horn very loudly. I am afraid he will wake the entire castle. I rush down after dressing into my new garments King Arthur has arranged for me to wear as a squire until my own clothes are measured and tapered. Once I reach the young man he looks up and shakes his head toward me. “Five minutes too slow, my lady. If you wish to be a good squire, you must be faster than this.” He says this to me as though we are equals, and I realize we are now. He is even a higher rank than I am now. “Yes, uh, squire……?” I search for his name. “Lancelot.” He replies. “Ah, yes, squire Lancelot. I will do better.” This exchange brings me closer to understanding the people here. I also begin to acquire a sort of friend. This is until Arthur shows himself. He walks to us laughing and says this, “Oh, Lancelot, don’t be so difficult with her. She is simply attempting this her first time and as such I would like to think she did quite well.” “No, your majesty, I want to accomplish more than this. I want to be the very best I can possibly be. No matter what it is. Even something as simple as dressing and running down a flight of stairs as fast as possible.” King Arthur looks toward me and smiles. “Of course, you do, well, allow me to take on this task of training you, Squire Bethany.” I nod my head. The young Lancelot walks in the direction of the garden and I realize something that I will not speak allowed. Nor, can I say here. However, I turn my full attention to my king and we begin my training. After some time has passed, I am already sweaty and stinky from the exertion of my chores. Then the Kings face suddenly goes slack. I look in the direction he set his gaze and I cannot make a sound. There in the distance exiting the garden are Guinevere and Lancelot who stop in their tracks to kiss. It is long and deep, and the king is frozen. They do not notice us until King Arthur shouts. “Stop at once, you dog!” He says this toward Lancelot who cowers in fear. “My king!” Guinevere screams, as she huddles toward Lancelot, who, discovers his courage and stands in front of her. The king is furious. “Guinevere! We are engaged are we not? So please, explain to me this foolishness!” I am terrified. After what the king has said there is no hope for the young lovers. “My king. They are but children. If this is what it looks like, can we not give them a chance at redemption?” I say this tentatively. The king looks toward me and thinks for a moment. “Very well.” He decides. “I shall give them one chance. They may either stay together in exile, or, they may continue their lives never seeing each other again.” Guinevere and Lancelot look to each other terrified of either consequence. But they decide. “My king we shall live out our days apart as we recognize our sin and wish to amend your trust.” Lancelot is the one who speaks and shortly after he bows as Guinevere curtsies. I realize now what true love is as they follow the king’s instructions. A few days later Lancelot is sent away to another location in the kingdom to continue his training with distance between himself and Guinevere. These events do not disrupt my daily training however, as I hardy have time to have any attention to direct toward these moments. One day, the king declares that I must prove I can handle a sword next. He hands a heavy wooden sword with a rod stuck through it for simulating weight and as a hilt. This practice sword is so heavy that it is difficult for me to stand whilst holding it above my waist. The king ushers me to hold it out and keep it steady whilst I hold it at chest height. He then does the same, but, adding a swing to his routine. “These are much heavier than a real sword, but, that is so when the time is right you can wield one without trouble.” He says this smiling at me whilst swinging. I discover something in that moment. I discover his smile. However, I shake his smile from my thoughts and continue to concentrate on my sword work. My injured shoulder, which has only just healed, burns from the exertion. As we continue to train, how his shoulders move as he swings his sword catches my eye. A butterfly lands on my sword and he looks over. “Good, now keep it steady so it doesn’t fly away.” He says quietly. I dare not move or make a sound. It seems like eternity that I stand there before the butterfly finally flies away on its own. I turn to the king too excited to speak and our breath mixes we are so close. Out of surprise I jump away. He smiles and says, “If you can jump like that while holding one of these you are ready for a real sword.” I am still startled when he says this, and it takes a moment for what he has said to register. When it does I drop the wooden sword and I hear and feel a loud crack as it lands upon my right foot. I shriek, and King Arthur comes to my aid. He lifts me off my feet and caries me towards a room. The room’s door opens and Emrys steps forward. “I saw everything.” He says. Arthur places my wounded self upon a worn old couch inside the room. Emrys looks to Arthur. He then surprises me by smacking upside the head of our king. “You dolt!” He exclaims. “She was already injured now you’ve hurt her foot as well?! You are supposed to be wise!” “Must I answer to you, old man?! She did that on her own!” Arthur replies. “Could someone, please, heal my wounds before it becomes irreparable?!” I shriek and catch the attention of both men. “Yes, lady Bethany.” They reply in unison as a cloud of shame looms over them. Emrys lifts the hem of my dress and exposes my foot. King Arthur turns away to avoid looking at my ankles. Emrys begins his magic and my foot becomes all but completely repaired. I am bedridden for the next two days as Emrys continues to heal the fractures in my foot and toes. During this time Arthur always finds time to see me and ways to make me feel at ease. I learn many things during this time. Arthur love lilacs and rosemary tea. Emrys is like a father or as he puts it a “crazy uncle” to him. When my two days are complete I ask for my training to continue and Arthur says something I would expect from someone so kind. “Not until all your injuries heal, then, we take it slow.” I am enamored by his smile as he says this then I quickly shake myself of this. My days pass quickly after this and two months go by before I come to realize it. Now it is my birthday, my first birthday away from the forest and I wonder about the safety of my family. That day I approach Emrys and ask him if he may send a message to our village wizard. He accepts the proposition and asks me of my words to my people. I wonder if our wizard can reply over this great distance, but, I digress. I give merlin my message as follows, “Greetings, dear family, friends, and fellow Avikar. I am relaying a message since, as mine birthday encroached upon me I realized my lack of communication with thee. As such, I wish that none of you allow concern for me as I am safe with our new king, Arthur. I send my regards to thee and hope that thine days are as bright as mine. -Bethany Cross” Once I finished my message, Emrys asked, “So, child, when is thine day of birth?” I consider his question and answer carefully. “Dear, lord Emrys, mine birth was today twenty-two years ago, precisely.” He seems astonished when I tell him this and he tells me to wait a moment within the main sitting room where we are located. When he returns he has a stern expression on his face and Emrys tells me that knowledge of days of birth is important in Arthur’s kingdom. The date of someone’s birth is often celebrated as banquets and many other kinds of celebratory festivities. Due to my lack of knowledge on this subject of importance to the humans I blush and hastily apologize as I had no intention of dismissing their customs. My day is then spent with Emrys to discuss other topics of interest. The evening arrives very quickly and I realize it is time for me to attend my lessons with Arthur. I excuse myself and begin to prepare for training. Why is it that every time I think of him I smile? I wonder this as I fall asleep and that night I have a strange dream. King Arthur is in a field of lilacs and Emrys pushes him toward me. We collide, and I look to his crystal eyes and his infectious smile. We look at each other for what seems like eternity and we finally……kiss. I awake in a cold sweat. What is this? Why would I have such a dream for Arthur when he is my king? What do I say to him now? After dressing and going to breakfast, I realize something. My king isn’t his usual jovial self. Emrys sits to my left. He says something that shakes me to the core. “How did your dreams fair last night, you two?” I pause, does he know? Was that really him in my dream? I finally speak. “Yes!” I say. Then I notice Arthur hasn’t spoken yet. I touch his shoulder and he jerks away to stand. “No! How could you do this to me?! Merlin!” Arthur says. I am shocked, and I turn to Merlin. I piece things together and begin to produce tears. “Why, Emrys?” I ask tentatively. “I did nothing. I only moved things along. You are both completely oblivious to your own feelings. It is truly sad.” Emrys responds. “No,” I stand. “What is sad is that you pushed us into such a situation!” I look to Arthur. “My king if I should go, say the words you must, and I will leave.” “No,” he says. He grabs my arm. “Please, stay.” He looks away. “All I know is that I don’t want you to leave.” He releases my arm and turns away. “Please! Just tell me to go!” I am screaming now. I don’t care. I need to leave him. It’s best for both of us. But he turns around, fire in his eyes. He grabs my face, looks to Merlin, and puts his forehead against mine. My entire body is enflamed from desire. A tear streaks down my hot face and he kisses me. After a long intense moment, we stop and consider the eyes of each other. We are both smiling, but, I am filled with regret. “What do we tell Guinevere?” I ask. “Nothing, we tell her nothing of this.” He says. “I concur, your majesty.” Replies Emrys. “Telling her would be quite the problem to deal with.” “If that is the case,” I say, “Then Lancelot should come back. To distract her from us.” Arthur looks me in the eye. “I agree that this would greatly take her attention, but, why would I want her to continue to be with him when we are engaged?” I cannot understand Arthur’s thoughts. “We are doing the same thing she and Lancelot did. Should you not consider her feelings for him?” He looks at me and smiles. “I knew you would say something of the sort.” We continue to smile at one another, until Guinevere walks into the room. Then our attention is set upon her. “Guinevere! Good morning! Did you enjoy breakfast?” Says Arthur walking toward her. “Quite well, your majesty, thank you.” She replies sincerely, and I hear Emrys chuckle as he walks by me to go towards the door. Arthur smiles and says the exact thing he was having doubts about. “Well, I have some good news, my dear. Lancelot has been gone long enough, do you agree?” He doesn’t wait for an answer before he continues. “Because of this he will be coming back home very soon.” He now waits for her reply. “Your majesty, I am quite astonished at this development, but, I accept this news as good, thank you.” I am standing there throughout this ordeal and am continuously shocked time after time. Now I know for certain how he feels about her.