HDYTEI, Chapter 5 Read Count : 48

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Logan rose early and went to get groceries, carefully moving Blake off of him and writing a note. Logan walked to the store and got some food, after five minuets there was a loud bang "Everyone get down" a deep voice yells "Or we will blow your fucking brains out" they yell after. Logan slowly got down on the ground scared, a man walking into the isle he was in "Nobody fucking move and nobody alarm the police" he yells. Logan saw blood pooled around the checkout area. Logan's breath got caught in his throat and he teared up. Another man was in the isle next to him. Blake woke up and noticed that Logan was gone, he saw a note saying he was going to the store so he walked in that direction, seeing what was going on he called the police, not in the building yet. The sirens go off and Logan's blood goes cold as he heard the men start to shoot the innocent, suddenly he felt a searing pain in his back, he screamed and fell silent afterwards, staring at the ground. Blake heard him and carefully went to the window. He saw Logan with blood starting to pool around him and he teared up, falling to his knees "no" he whispers. The police show up and move him, his eyes filled with tears as he started to bawl. They get the men out and started to get people out of there. Logan sees the cops get them and tries to get up, to weak to move he layed down, passing out from the blood loss, barely breathing. The paramedics take Logan out on a stretcher and put him in the ambulance, pumping blood into him as they tried to stop the bleeding. Blake got in, crying as he stared at Logan. Logan saw pitch black and felt extremely cold "Cold..........so cold......where is the warmth.....Darkness......and cold.......Is this......Death" he thought to himself "there is a light....I wanna follow it" he thinks. They get to the hospital and rush him in quickly. They stitch the wound quickly and bandage it, keeping a breathing tube and a IV in him. Blake sat beside his bed crying, waiting for him to wake up as they pumped blood into his through the IV,  keeping him alive with tubes and meds going through him forcefully. Logan twitched slightly "I feel warmth.....and pain.....I'm....alive" he thinks. Blake sees him move and he takes his hand.


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