The Darkest Heart Chapter 1 Read Count : 175

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

"I never knew the night could get as dark as this." I said one cold and lonely night. I sat on the patio of the small log cabin. My mother and father had died and I lived by myself. 
"Never go outside by yourself." Father had told me once when I was very young. "Or those monsters will capture you and eat you for dinner." 
I knew that sometimes he joked around that's natural for father's. But thinking he was joking around is what ended up in me loosing my mother and father. I looked at the dark sad moon. A tear rolling down my face. "The moon has been dead for millennia." I remembered my father say. "And it'll be like that forever. Oh how much I would give to see the moon alive again.
I heard a wolf howl in the distance. And I decided ​to go inside and get some sleep. I sat on my cold uncomfortable bed and moments later I fell asleep. I had a dream.
I was walking around outside, it was night time. But there was shimmering coming from the sky. 
The moon was alive and happy. Shimmering on the sea. I was nowhere near my home. I was in the middle of nowhere. Then all of a sudden a whole big pack of wolves came and circled me. Then they ate me!
"Aaahhhhhh!!!" I screamed. And woke up. I lit a candle and grabbed my father's sword that was leaning against the wall.
"Here take this it'll keep you safe." He said just before he died. I hugged it as tight as I could, while I cryed my heart out. Then when I felt safe. I put the sword under my bed and fell asleep again. This time I had no dream.


  • Kelechi Anthony

    Kelechi Anthony

    nice write-up

    May 11, 2017

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