Object Of The Gods (Prolouge) Read Count : 152

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Once long ago...

The gods would select people...

They would each give that person a thing that the person can wear or keep with them...

Most of the time it was like jewelry...

The gods would then could be summoned by the people they have chosen by saying a chant. Then the god and person become one and they use the god's powers, weapons, or skills to help them...

This went along smoothly for a long time, peace and happiness was simply perfect... until one day... a man named Resa had decided that he didn't want to control just one god and only use the powers for good... He wanted to be king of the world and rule all with an army gods that could make him undefeatable. His god that he could control was Ares, the Greek god of War, and Bloodthirst.

Resa hunted the blessed people who could control the gods. He would challenge them to a duel and if they lose they turn their god over to him for him to control. Soon the gods were beginning to dissappear. Resa grew stronger and ruled over the continents of Asia and Europe. So the gods decided to go into hiding, they hid their object, that they would give to the person they chose, away. Resa, was a horrible man and king to his people, he even treated the gods badly as well, like as if they were is servants for, well...forever.

Resa still continued ruling and hunting for the objects of the gods...

*present time in Resasa(which Resa named after himself and is the capital of is country)*

Twins were born. A girl with bronze blonde colored hair and blue eyes, and a boy with a silver or grayish blonde hair with purple eyes were born. The girl was named Apalla, and the boy was named Diono.Their parents loved them with all their hearts, till one day...

An attack from a squadrant of drunken soldiers decided to burn the city. Their parents and them tried to fleed the city. Their father was shot in back several times, he then fell into a burning house, making the roof fall inwards. When they reached the end of the city their mother hide them in a bush full of yellow flowers.

Diono and Apalla watched their mother talk to a guard who was blaming their mother for starting the fire.

"No, sir you have it all wrong, I ne-"

Their mother was hit by another guard with a glass bottle before she could ever finish explaining. She collapsed on the desert ground. The guards then loaded her body into a cart and rode away, leaving the two children,parent less, and still stuck in a bush. Apalla and Diono started crying, for losing their parents, their home, and their childhood...but the necklaces around their necks still stayed...

twelve years later*

It was a normal day in the town of Caese(which became the new capital). The streets were filled with people walking, selling, trading...then somewhere in that city a boy with purple eyes is running from a guard, who is chasing him down because he was accused of stealing a loaf of bread. The boy's name was Diono, he lived with a blacksmith and his twin sister Apalla.

Diono and Apalla never remembered how they lost their parents, where they came from, or who their parents were. There only memory was them getting the necklaces, but they could never see the face that gave those necklaces to them...


  • Hosse Soluvion

    Hosse Soluvion


    Jan 31, 2018

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