Deaht Is Kind Read Count : 125

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Love is kind death is not. That is what i once had thought. I found love at a young age i was happy for so many days and but then the day came that all this changed.  They that my kids were born. My love dobble and my heart soard we were happy for 9 great months and then the sickkness hit their lungs. That same day she said words that stung. I fight and lost battela evryday and i felt lost on the way i was loseing my 2 sons to a war no one has won. The monhts to the day. My 1 year old boys passed away my heart was shattered shardes turned to stone. In a world all alone. I blamed the world for what happend to me i blamed god. And i blamed me i was sick of people ask if i was ok cause i thought i would never be. I seacher for death down every road most i traveld all alone id me a person here or there peopel who would try to make me share i. I was on a misson tryinf to find the death and to fight the darkness inside i screamed doe him to come talk to me but death seemed to never listen to me i screamed my sorrow to the sky asking god why oh why why take my sons why not take me i was done. And then when i finnly lost all hope death showed himself and.  At the end of a frayed rope he fut me lose and sadly smiled and said. I heard you long a go my child. And ive wathcss you for evwrh mile so ask of me whatch you wish and ill awsere if your need is great but i cant chage your fate i asked him why he took me kids why im stuck with paain like this he said it the love you feel that why the pain is so god dame real i alsed him why he came to me he said i jad to finley say ifbyou truly feard me. I laught and said ive saogjut you out i dont fear death i dont know how.and then he gave me that sad smily and sat next to me a cried for a while i sat in shock and in ahhh. I finnley deaht why he crys and to my greates suprise. He said he cried for only me and hope for forgiveness in me i said there nothing to forgive i love my sons and they loved me and you finnly helped me see that death is kind and love is not.  But death and love go hand and hand and its love make you a better man i miss my sons thay is true and i hatred lkve till i meet you you found me heart so deep and dark a heart that was in tinny parts so i thank you for everything i thank you for the love you breing casue love and death or kind and mean and it is of love that i finnily sing i love ye till the day i die and till then you will know why i cryar nighr for what i lost but i will live foe them today and that is all ive got tk say so love mw live and let go of hate cause everyone hase the own death date 


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