So Many Questions Read Count : 54

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : miscellaneous
We all have questions about everything. Is the Earth flat or round? Is God real? Did life really start with a Big Bang? All these questions.

It’s good to ask questions about the world we live in. Some people may be honest and answer the question, say it’s something that doesn’t concern the person, or just lie about it. 

We ask ourselves questions, too. Who am I? Why am I this way? Do I really have what it takes to do something with my life?

Questions are meant to be asked. If somebody doesn’t want you to ask about a certain something, we either get really concerned about it or move on. It’s not like it’s our business to know anyways.

It is so easy to ask what a person is doing, where are they going, who are they with, when they’re doing it, why they’re doing it, and how. If they want to tell you, they will, if they don’t, then don’t enforce them to tell you. 

So many questions about religion, history, philosophy, etc. it’s ok to ask these questions. The answer might shock you. The internet is full of truths and lies. Makes you wonder: is it really true or not? 

There’s this one quote that people use in life. To be or not to be, that’s the question. Do I want to be like that or no? Do I have to be like that or no? We just can’t get these questions off our minds. 

There are also questions like what a person’s name is, how their day is going, what they did, etc. 

I can go on and on about questions, but what’s to know? So don’t be afraid to ask questions like those I’ve mentioned in this writing.  There are times when a question should be asked, and when it shouldn’t be asked. So many questions.


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