The Death Of Two Read Count : 207

Category : Audio

Sub Category : Audio books
Every this young girl named Katie was a young 12 year old and she lived a normal happy life with her parents and two brothers with were named landen and kaden both were 16.Next year Katie turned 13 years old she than began to develop depression but she didn't let it get to her that much so she just tried to ignore the fact that it's soon gonna take over her life but she didn't care as Katie lived her life she also went to school called California middle .she didn't really like it she had only one bestfriend that was always by her side her name was Morgan. Morgan was a straight A student until one day Morgan and her family had to move away from their home town. Katie was extremely sad but she held her tears in for the remainder of the school. When she came home from school she ran right to her room and cried her eyes out this lead her into a deeper depression. When Katie's parents were out she snuck into their room and digged into her dad's tool bag until she found a sharp 94 blade razor she took it with her and went back in her room when she closed and locked her door she sat on her bed with the razor in her had and tears in her eyes. As she began cutting herslef she felt as if the stress was released and leaking out of her. When one of her brother landen went to check on her he couldn't open the door it was locked until he finally broke it to see Katie sleeping with her arm hanging off her bed when landen went to turn of the light her realized the cuts on her arms he began to panic and woke Katie up but she didn't landen then called kaden into the room to see the pounds of blood spewing out of her arms they both thought to themselves that it was their fault laden felt the most guiltest knowing that he was the most responsible one in the house.Landen  called his mother and father to let him know that Katie did somthing horrible to herself but they didn't leave asap they stand because they thought it was a joke but then landen has been through the same scenario that Katie has been in so he decided to end his life just to be with katie. Landen looked first a stiff peace of rope to tie a noose soon he did find a peice of rope he looked up on how to tie it and hung it from the ceiling fan and put the rope around his neck while he took his final breath then he was breathing death at his nearest. A couple of hours later their parents came home to find kaden sleeping on the couch. The father woke up kaden and asked "weres Katie and landen". While landen and his father were speacking mother went upstairs to Katie's room and found her two kids dead one laying In a pool of blood and one hanging from the ceiling fan she then screamed for help as tears were in her eyes but nobody was their they seemed of left mother there in a death room of her two suicidal children dead at her own behalf.


  • short

    Feb 10, 2018

  • it kept me wanting to read more

    Feb 11, 2018

  • Empty_silence :|

    Empty_silence :|

    this is a very deep story. it was realy good yet sad. its kind of relatable

    Feb 12, 2018

  • nic

    Feb 14, 2018

  • verry deep

    May 13, 2018

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