Read Count : 182
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
In this stage,your the life of the party ! THE PARTY animal type of individual .the one who's cracking jokes all the time.the one who's looking tore up! people love you attitude when your there with them because,they enjoy what you do....making them laugh. your always on the dance floor performing your latest dance moves. your the party show off,you start to think people are jealous of you because,they cant stand to see you coming and ,they're glad when your going. pride starts to take place in your heart,and self exaltation comes within you.your a boaster and bragger now. you have this.........MACHO ATTITUDE ABOUT YOUR SELF. which spirals outta control. conceitedness sets in as well .but you dont reconize...something takes place within you body after sooooooo many drinks.....IT!!! STARTS TO HAPPEN AS WELL.