The Tree
Read Count : 110
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
(Chapter 1) Hope woke up and straight up went down stairs. She put on a big coat and opened her spruce door down to a tree. It wasn't any tree, it was the last place Hope and her grandma went together before she passed. Hope has now always visited that tree and even named it after her Grandma. When she grabbed her keys she headed out the door to her Red truck. She started the car and drove to the tree. When she got there she saw a man walk up to the tree, she has never seen that man before and she would spend her entire day there at that one tree. The man spoke "This is where one of my dogs died..." He said sadly "Oh... this is where me and my grandma went.... the last place we went was here before she passed...." Hope said Sobbing "Well I cant spend all my time here! Cya around..." He said "Wait!" Hope yelled "What's your name anyway?" "Oh! My name is Cody.... what about yours?" Cody answered "Mine is Hope..." Hope said nervously "Well nice to meet you hope!" Cody yelled. Cody got into his Toyota and left down the dark street. Hope left to sense she knew it was supper. When she got home she noticed something on her phone. She checked Ksl and noticed it was Cody, She freaked out and ran out the door to her car. She drove down the dark street and saw where Cody was. Hope called 911 and they got there as soon as possible. She went home and went to bed. In the morning she ran downstairs got her keys and coat and went to....
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