Diary Of A Wimpy Girl Read Count : 118

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens


I really don't like school... Of course everyone hates it. Even homework! Like come on... My teacher is chatting so I am using this to pass the time this year when I started school I got seated next to Rodney Wills, trust me you do not want to sit beside him. Before lunch everyone was taking about mashed potato being flung into the roof of the cafeteria and Rodney Wills is being told off for doing it be possibly it was him everyone is saying it's not him. 


School this week was going pretty good, Matthew, my little brother, had got this new pony toy and he loves it and last week on Thursday I came home from school and I wanted to take I look at it, so i took it up stairs and I dropped it on the floor and it broke, Mum was mad and Matthew was not happy he cried like all night long and I couldn't get ANY sleep. Today in school I wasn't looking where I sat and I sat right under a mashed potato spot and it dripped on my food.


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