Read Count : 63
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
The pain of depression seeps into your thoughts.leaving you mentally unstable.regret sets into the crevices of your mind and, your imagination starts to run away.its as if,the spiritual dark forces that can't be seen are captivating your every thought and decision .you you cringe and You Weep and tears fall from.your eyes,sorrow fills your heart.you feel as if there's nothing left for you to do in this life.you remember ,how you'd watch your mom and dad fight.and you said to yourself....".when i get grown im never gonna drink alcohol" because it just leads to this.!"you watch your family and your own life go down the tubes to the grave. your unhappiness is the results of a failed family life.and you could care less what happens now!you've stopped caring about family,life,friends,the world,your health ,job,money,clothes,......the list goes on and on and on......etc etc etc