The Rose In The Garden Read Count : 122

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
One morning Meghan woke up at 5:52 AM. She got up and went to her closet and got a black spotted green shirt. She got some black ripe pants with some convers. She opened her bedroom door and walked to the bathroom. She brushed her hair and did her makeup. She went out of the bathroom down stairs to the kitchen. She made herself some pancakes and put them on a plate do the table. She sat down and put butter and syrup on her pancakes. She ate her pancakes and got her purse and keys then left the house to work.
 (At work) she went into her office and started printing out the papers for the book. One of her friends came down the hall way looking at what Meghan was doing and then copied it. Her boss thought Meghan was the one who copied Melissa when Melissa copied her. When she got home she looked at her garden. "One last rose..." Meghan said "One last rose..." As Meghan opened the door she put down her book and purse. She dropped her keys on the floor not even caring. She went to her desk and started texting her crush Jeremy. She told her everything she thought about him and told him one last thing... "One last rose..." Jeremy answered with a confused emoji and said "What do you mean Meghan? What last rose?" He asked "I have one last thorn rose in my garden..." Meghan answered and she drops her phone and walks to her garden. Opens the gate and gets closer to the rose. She grabbed the rose where no thorns were. She went to Jeremies house knocked on the door and Jeremy saw...
(To be continued) 


  • i love it

    Feb 10, 2018

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