A Tale Untold Chapter 4
Read Count : 151
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Slight Recap and Chapter 4 2 weeks pasted since I left home and said goodbye to brother buy I had someone to talk to. His name is Zefire he's built like a bear and looks like one too. He doesn't talk much but when he does it's always with a smile. He teases me and tells me how insanely wild my hair is and constantly nags at me to comb it everyday. His cooking is decent as long he doesn't make toast and in conciderate though he'd never admit it. He's taking me to a town called Shire where I'll meet a man by the name Mr. Radfield who's a Medicineman, Physician and basically a Magician though it sounds like he can't actually create or use magic. Oddly enough Magic used to exist in this world but none has been seen or heard of in many decades. Zee tells me stories about a land where magic exists and what creatures live there. One of my favorite stories is how some creatures can turn into humans but not fully he says when they change they still have characteristics such as a tails, ears, scales, wings, or feathers. He says older creatures can blend in better with humans but they still have a few characteristic just they aren't as noticeable. He said 5 of the oldest creatures are Dragons, Fae, Witches/Warlocks, Vampires and Werewolves. I found Dragons and WereWolves most fascinating. Zee found a book in another Town about the oldest creatures and bought it. It was bound in leather and the pictures were very detailed but because I didn't know how to read the book was more for pictures than anything. Zee found out and started to teach me how to read and write on our stops to rest and eat. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, He was very strict and there was no slacking off but at the end of each day I could read a little bit better. When we weren't practicing or riding I took in the view of each new place. I saw birds and bears, foxes, beavers, deer, and fish, lots and lots of fish. I've seen, heard and learned more in two weeks than I have for 15 years thanks to the medicine Brother brought . I used to be practically bedridden. I couldn't go outside, much less see outside, my condition was unknown and rare but thanks to this medicine I've gotten stronger. I can walk and go outside without collapsing I can run and see wonderful new things in the world. It's been amazing spending this time with Zee I wish it'd never end. "Hey Zee, when we get to Shire Town and meet Mr.Radfield. What will you do then?" I ask curiously. "Well I'd go back to my family and tell them of my travels transporting a wild haired beast from the border to Shire Town. How I had to teach it how to take care of its self and train it." He teases. "I'm not a beast... you are!" I say after a minute. "Aren't you? I can't tell with that insane hair thats everywhere." He jokes. "Your just jealous of how pretty it is." I flaunt my hair towards him when the wind picks up and flung it all in my face. I spit and spunter hair out of my face while Zee is laughing it up. "Even the wind agrees!" He laughs. I mumble and grumble for a bit till a huge leaf flies past me and hits Zee square in the face covering it all up. I laugh so hard my checks hurt. "The hell wind I thought you were my friend!" Zee yells jokingly. In a way Zee was the father I never had and a great friend. I enjoyed his company and out time together. "What ya thinking about kid?" He asks once he peels the leaf off his face. It had left a wet lead mark on his face. "That leaf was wet..." I say and look at the direction it came from. "A storm is headed this way Zee." I say though I saw no clouds. He takes a look for himself and agrees with me. "You have a good since of weather kid. It'll be hard to find shelter out here though. Let's pick up the pace." He says and whips the reins on the horses to move faster. After about 5 minutes the wind picks up and starts to get really strong. "There are those rainclouds. We won't be able to out run those and there no place in sight. Damn it!" He exclaims angry. "Zee! There's a cabin up ahead." I say as the clouds loom over us and poor down it rainy wrath. "Good eye kid." Zee steer the horse towards the cabin and we make it just before the storm picked up more. Zee knocks on the cabin door and a man about the size of Zee opens up. "Sorry to bother you sir could we borrow your stables and hospitality till this rain passes?" Zee ask quickly. "Ofcourse ill help with the horses." The man says. "Kid get inside ill be right there after Shadow and Mist are tooken care of." Zee says as he starts unhooking Shadow. Another man was taking care of Mist but she wasnt cooperation well and he seemed very frantic. I put my hand on both the man and Mist. "If you calm down for just a minute we can get you inside Mist." I say softly. Most calmed down but the man seemed baffled by the scene. "You can't be nervous with her. So take a breath before handling her again." I say to the man who seemed a bit out of it. After being completely soaked Zee and the man were able to safely put Shadow and Mist in the stables and we all entered the house. "You daughter has quite the touch sir. Never seen someone calm a horse like that during such a bad storm." He praises. "I'm Jax this is my Wife Ann and our son Sid." The man introduced us to his family. The wife was beautiful with her long brown hair and blue eyes wearing a pretty floor length pink gown. The man, now that I could take a better look at him, was actually a bit shorter than Zee had red hair and brown eyes he was also slightly thinner than Zee too. He wore a white tunic with some old jeans and boots. The boy was talk too. He had short hair that was red and blue eyes that were darker than a river. He seemed angry. "My name is Zee and this is my daughter Shiro. Thank you for sharing your home with us." Zee introduced us and was very polite. "I'm sure you two must be hungry we were just about to have dinner if you'd like to join us. This storm isn't going to pass till tomorrow morning you can stay till then I'm sure my Wife has some clothes for your daughter she can change into. Hunny?" Jax looked at his wife tenderly. "Alright Shiro follow me we'll clean you up and get you dressed. I'm sure I have a few of my old clothes hanging about." She was very sweet and i qent with her after Zee said it was okay. "Alright Shiro let's see what we have." Mrs.Ann starts going through her chest. After a little bit she pulled out a cute red shirt and a pair of jeans. "Try these on." She says. After fighting a bit with the pants I finally managed to button them up. "I'm done Mrs.Ann." I say simply. She enter back in the room and look happy that it fit. "Why don't we do something with that hair of yours too." She suggested and started combing my hair and putting knots in it. "Why are you knotting my hair up?" I ask confused. "I'm not. It's called a braid i'll show you once I'm done." She says happily. After a few moments pass by she holds up a mirror to show me my silver hair twisted to the side. My face was dirty and my eyes were a pretty bright green. "Do you like it?" She asks. "Yes it's pretty. Thank you." I say excitedly. "Alright then. Let's clean your face and we can go join the boys." She sounded very excited. "Alright." I smile. When we came out of the room Zee just looked at me like I was something else. "You sure that's the same girl that went in with you?" Zee says baffled. "Yes I'm sure. Her hair was very wild and a complete mess but i managed it." Mrs.Ann says proudly. "The beast actually looks human now." Zee teases. "Least I don't look like a drowned rat." I says back bitterly. "I'll have you know that this look is very popular with women." Zee says very dignified. We both wind up laughing. "I hope smoked fish and potatoes are okay with you two." Jax says as he sets the food on the table. "Any food is appreciated." Zee says honestly. We all sit down and Mrs.Ann distributes the food to everyone. When everyone is served Jax starts eating and everyone soon follows suite. "So Mr. Zee tell me. What brings you and your daughter out this way?" Jax asks. "We're just travelers going where ever the road takes us." Zee says after taking a bite out of his fish. "Travelers. Don't get many of those round here." Mrs.Ann said. "Better we don't get any at all." Sid grumbles. "Sid! That's rude these are our guests!" Jax scolds. "I'm sorry if our presences upset your boy, but we are very grateful that you helped us out." Zee apologizes. "Nonsense. Sid mind your manners." Mrs. Ann scolds. He grumbles and quickly finishes his dinner excusing himself soon after. When I finish Mrs.Ann shows me a vacant bed with quilted sheets it was very soft and I fell asleep quickly. .......... Zefire "Your daughter is sweet and very well behaved. I'm sorry my son was so rude tonight. He's not very social." Jax says solemnly. "It's quite fine and understandable. Two strangers suddenly came into his home and invaded his space. No worries." I say honestly. "Thank you. It was nice having company." Jax says quite happy. "Ill show you where you can sleep tonight." Chapter 4 End
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