Sleepy Annoying Girl Part 1. Read Count : 124

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
So tonight I can't sleepy cause I think that monsters are in my room but I dream about my cute boyfriend jake Ryan tidmore while he on tour which is crazy and he won't be back until valentine's day  so sometimes when's he here I can sleep peacefully but when he gone I can't sleep right like my inner demons are creeping out in the night with me so the next day I wakes  up and goes showers and brushes my teeth and hair puts on a cute outfit and then makes brunch and then goes to the store and buys me some stuff and then after I went shopping and calls my boyfriend and he smiles thru the phone and he tells me to buys him some gifts and then my favorite band song comes on the radio and other things in the world and hope u guys love it so much. 


  • Love wrting it

    Feb 08, 2018

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