Best Friends
Read Count : 114
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Sarah woke up and put her feet on her floor. She looked at the clock and noticed she was late for school. She hurried and got up and went to her closet to get changed. She quietly opened the door and went down stairs. She opened the pantry and grabbed some waffles. She opened the cabinet and grabbed the toaster. She cooked her waffles and put butter and syrup on them. She ate them on the way to school and put her plate in her backpack. When she got to school she grabbed her folder out of her backpack. She placed it on her desk as students from the class grab them. While the teacher was talking Sarah looked over at one of her friends work. She copied it and gave it to the teacher but then she saw her friend erase something so she took her work from the teacher and wrote down the other answer. As all the other students were struggling Sarah and her friend were the only ones not. When the bell rang Sarah and her friends went to their lockers. When Sophie, Sarahs friend, left Sarah heard...
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