Love Will Lead You Back
Read Count : 183
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
* Writer's Note: Content contains explicit language. Please keep an open mind. * "Any fuck that has been fucked can be refucked if the fucker and fuckee agree that the fuck that was fucked was a fucking great fuck." I came across this status update on one of the pages I'm following on Facebook and thought it was a very interesting analogy. Most one-tracked and close minded people would take one look at the string of 'fuck' words in the sentence, shake their heads, ready to judge because they would only see vulgarity and think it's all about dirty sex when in actual fact, it's really all about interpretations. When I read that sentence, the first thought that came to my mind was Love. Crazy? Not really. Check this out, if I were to take that sentence and replace the explicit words and write it this way.... "Any Love that has been lost can be rekindled if both parties agree that the Love that was lost was a really great Love." .... wouldn't it make sense? Take Nicky and I, for example. We found Love in each other and then somewhere along the way, we grew apart, but the Love that we have for each other was still there. The flame may have burned out, but the embers were still there - a fact we had both discovered when we found our way to each other again. Through this discovery, we decided to give it another shot, fan those embers and this time, we will keep the fire burning. Why? Because we realize now the Love we have for each other is pure and true. Feel me...? It's all about interpretations.
Although on the other hand besides it being funny and me actually thinking logically... that is all just how the mind interperates things! :) (I had commented before this and didn't realize that it would go away if i commented agian so basically what i said was i should be more mature and not laugh at such stupid inaproriate language.)
Feb 08, 2018