One Hell Of A Man Read Count : 161

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I know it's not easy to love me.
But you continue to try.
I'm broken in my world.
I've been shattered like no other,
I have made you suffer again and again.
Still you pick up my pieces every time.
My addiction is so sad,
I feel guilty when I lie!
Your one hell of a man.
I know you pray for me for us for our family everyday.
Just help her get better you say.
I don't know that i will conquer the battle I have with my addiction. 
I think deep down you know I will lose in this war.
Your one hell of a man!
You love me even when no other soul would.
You make me want to keep fighting.
That's not an easy thing for me to do these days.
I have grown weak ,
with not much fight left in me. 
40yrs you'd think I could end the war by now. 
Unfortunately its not over yet.
Your one hell of a man.
You give me strength but I am a coward. 
I love you I know u deserve better than me.
Yet I know I deserve you... 
God what's your plan for me. ?
My faith comes and goes I don't get it. I must be one of your fallen angels. 
For this struggle my husband deals with is real.
He's one hell of a man!


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    Feb 08, 2018

  • Annie Alonso

    Annie Alonso

    thank you for your stars!! :) how do we accept peoples friend requests???

    Feb 08, 2018

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