What If?
Read Count : 142
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
(Chapter 2) I sat up in my bed. My body was covered in cuts and bruises. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I would die. The nurse told me just to relax, but I couldn't. Jonah, the most amazing person in the world, was gone. I didn't know where he was. Thats why I went driving that night. I knew I was way to intoxicated to drive but Jonah texted me saying he was in a lot of pain and I needed to help him. I remeber calling him, no answer. I can remeber getting in my car and rushing to his house trying to figure out where the hell he was. It was useless. Now I'm in the hospital, no phone, no keys, and most importantly...No Jonah. A tear ran from my eye as I thought aboyt all the good times we had together. I loved Jonah. And now I'm pregnant with his kid, he dissapeared off the face of the earth, I'm stuck in this damn hospital. My life has fallen to peices. I wish none of this ever happened. "ABBY!!!!!!" I heard a mans voice call out my name. I was so scared it was gonna be my dad. But instead, I got a delightful suprise. It was Jonah.