Religious Zombies: Why I Hate Them
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Category : Diary/Journal
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The character of Jesus is no better than the alien rapists, Xherxis of former Persia and Ceryl of former Egypt. The biggest evidence of this in their alien book referred to as a christian bible gives this fact away about Jesus being no better than the ignorant aliens all over this planet we see now as when that book was wrote. The book was designed by alien authors to set about confusion between the Alien's psychology being akin to that of genuine core nature and nature's genuine true person's ( aboriginal ) psychology.
Nothing about core natural creation or true natural creation's personhood holds akin to that book's alien psychology. The misleading ( exocentric/ unatural v. existential/ natural ) parables of Jesus concerning the character's ignorance about core nature and nature's real persons, versus that of aliens, is the biggest evidence in and of itself in that book, that, the character refered to as Jesus, is not the offspring of a higher power ( god or gods ), but, a run the mill alien ( non person ) as the ones today who themselves run around and claim to be of the same seed.
Furthermore, no matter the context used by the aliens in their book about their alien rought acts of sacrificial mutilation of their alien character, it has nothing whatsoever to do with or correlates to the realities of core nature or core nature"s persons.
Therefore, core creation and core creation's persons are not obliged to give allegiance to such alien nonsense and absurdities. Such absurdities are just that - fake/ alien, and have nothing whatsoever to do with the genuine laws concerning genuine nature or personhood.
If Jesus was a worthy sentient person or animal, the fig tree this alien had accursed would of gave of their fruit abundantly. But, instead, as I and other legitimate aboriginal knows like those of us who are proven like nature to be free of evil, the tree being the true emissary of goodness recognized that Jesus was a foul alien by posing itself to be not only a god over all core creation, but, the offspring of all core creation.
Therefore, the tree was only acting within its own proper virtues, as a genuine person also would of, by not only withholding its fruits, but, even went so far as to wither itself and die in order to leave this earth as a sign it had preconceived correctly the future of all creation and creation's persons under the future alien rape and control we are witnessing taking place all over this planet today.
The Jesus character in their book is none other than their own worthless Alien's character attached to their character, Jesus. If Jesus was the creator principal it falsely claimed in the bible book, he/ it would of healed the poor tree. Instead the foul demonic character curses it implying sorcery.
This is more consistent of its and its emissaries character traits - sorcerers as they all attest to these very times - beheadings, tortures, torments, domestic tyrannies of every stripe in the name of their 'societies' and their baseless nihilistic uprisings they call their wars at each other and against nature as a whole.
The same goes for the parables about the birds of the air and flowers of the field. Only the virtuless and conceited alien would think itself more beautiful and precious than these sweet virtuous ones.
You know you're around a real person when they wish for themselves to be as those sweet ones. What kind of lunatic claims that the kingdom of heaven is like a bad stewart upon the earth who only hires worthless flunkies while they go on a long trip knowing it will allow their crops to be wilted by weeds and vermin before they ' show back up later ' to rescue the superior crops to store into their barn house ?
Have you ever grown crops yourself only to come back long after the weeds have taken over ? It is only the so called theologian that would miss that one along with the many other staggering contradictions of the Jesus of the bible. That is why that book was created by aliens to confuse, both natural person's psychology, and the psychology of core creation with that of the psychology of the aliens themselves projected in that book.
No one let alone thousands of zombies has the right to declare their epidemic of religious mass insanity as equating to that of the fitful persons grounding required to develop the necessary faith in ones own actions and choices required in their day to day existence.
As attested to by these masses, Jesus has nothing to do with a conscience in day to day life. Religion and its mass insanities is not a inalienable right for lunatics to run behind when it is used to harm others protecting themselves from its absurdities and from being acosted by its demented assailants.