Howl For Help Read Count : 106

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Fog formed in the night sky, howls of wolves could be heard. The small and thin Border Collie sat in the cold yard of her two-legs house. The white of her soft fur seemed as black as the sky she sat under. Her stomach roared of hunger. She licked her lips at the thought of food. She stood and looked around, then at the sky, “I will leave this place..” She said to herself. She looked around and then trotted to the back of the yard, away from the 20 other starving dogs sleeping. She dashed and leaped when she was near the fence. Her paw grasped on the top, she struggled to pull herself up. She finally fell, but tried again, she tried about ten other times before she only just made it. She ran to the forest behind the house. A howl stopped her. How could she of been so stupid? The wolves, they come near the houses at night, when the two-legs rest in there soft beds. She shook herself, clearing that thought. 

—— That’s all I could get done tonight, tomorrow I’ll work on some more if you all like it —- 


  • Ella Sorensen

    Ella Sorensen

    that was great honestly it was a very great story bravo 👏 i dont have friends but i wish you were one of my friends 👏

    Feb 07, 2018

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