You Don't Have To Be Perfect! Read Count : 126

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Hi, readers. I just wanted to say that I may not know you personally nor have I ever walked a mile in your shoes, but I do know one thing. The one thing that I do know is that it's okay to make mistakes. I've never hurt anyone else and I don't have the desire nor heart to do so, but I do know what it's like to hurt myself in terms of letting myself down. We're human. Growing up is hard. I'm still considered a young adult, but I've made mistakes that I sometimes have a hard time letting go. I overthink too much and let my anxiety take over and influence my mind. There are other people that have made the same small mistakes that I've made that don't have a bad conscience for it, but for some reason I do. I guess I expected more out of myself. I've learned from those mistakes and I won't be making them again anytime soon in life, but they circle around in my mind from time to time. I'm learning to get over them and stop judging myself and overthinking them so much. I'm now a happier and more understanding person of how we operate as human beings in the world that we live in that can be both cruel and wonderful. I can actually say that I'm a better person because of what I know and have experienced. If you're stuggling with regrets out there, don't keep yourself in a cage with only your thoughts and emotions as comfort. Be forgiving to yourself and know that those mistakes made you who you are now; wiser, stronger, smarter and inspirational. Enjoy your life because as far as we know it, this is the only one we'll get (here on Earth). Do things that make people say, "hey, that person may not be perfect, but they're so nice, smart and a reflection of the person I want to be." This life isn't as hard as we make it out to be. Just live and learn and you'll realize that you weren't put on this Earth to be like the next person necessary, but to take the positive values that they have and incorporate them into the way you live. You don't have to be like everyone else. You don't have to be perfect. Don't hold yourself to a standard that you can't reach. Just be you and live each day with the goals to do what you love and help to make this world a little better in the process. Leave this world with a good description of the person you were attached to your name. So one last time, we all make mistakes. We're going to let ourselves down. Just don't hurt others, don't give up on yourself and don't give up on life. You can do this. Just breathe and take things one day at a time. Thanks for reading.😇😊☮🕊✌💙❤


  • This is really well written. Great job.

    Feb 06, 2018

  • Natasha Moran

    Natasha Moran

    Thank you, Caroline.😊💜

    Feb 16, 2018

  • woah i actually really needed this rn. i dont usually give 5/5 but u deserve it.

    Feb 07, 2018

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