The Looser Read Count : 129

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
One more day in paradise expecting to get that love of your life your future wife the one you love from the deepest of your soul just turns her back on you and than you start praying to God why if she said she loves you why beg for a hug or a kiss or time? But than I sat at the same place by the entrance door with your phone charging writing how the bigger looser I am ... Soon or later I will die right? Why not just take my entire 32 anxiety pills and call it a night and pray to God to delete the love I have for her... But I guess that will never happen so the other option is to die and go straight to hell where cower man like me go because the pain of been refuse it's to strong.. 
If there's a God hear my prayers and take me away as soon as possible... Maybe 6 feet under ground she will realize how much I really, really, really, really love her... 

 I'm out AKA El Arumvado


  • Bro thanks for Sharing, but please stay strong love AlWAYS WINS in here for you

    Feb 06, 2018

  • Galaxy Glitter

    Galaxy Glitter


    Feb 06, 2018

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