Yesterday Once More
Read Count : 83
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Something happened.... took me back to a place in time, where hurt and heartbreak, appeared like a bad penny, taunting my sanity. It's been a while.... but there are days like today, where my mind tricks me, letting me believe it all happened just yesterday. It stops me dead in my tracks, but only for a moment. "Is this the way it will always be?" I asked myself, and then it passes. Memories.... they sometimes do that; they mess you up, kick you in the head, shake you up a little, then drop you like a dead fly. I was rattled by it, that I must admit, then I reminded myself, it was yesterday's memory; a history, can't really touch me. With that, I took a deep breath, dust it off my shoulder, and carried on like nothing happened. If these years have taught me anything, it is this.... you can never run away. Not ever. The only way out, is in.
Wow. This is powerfully done! Forgive me, you know how I take off, but it really set me up. What I mean by that is, you sparked things iny own heart, though not about certain heartbreak, but memories of my own that come back to haunt me and the way you triumph over them seriously captivated me by the closing
Feb 06, 2018