Read Count : 172
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I know I can do it. Just another week. One more job. Then I can rest? No. I have to push harder. Do more. I have a family after all. So I get up early really early. My best ideas come to me in the wee hours of the morning. So many of them. Hard to keep a bead on the good ones. Like movies playing at 1000× normal speed. Visual and physical stimulation helps a bit. What was that one idea? I wrote it down. My notes! So many notes. But just like my ideas my notes are but a brush stroke of a larger painting, one the artist has no idea of what it is or will be. It hurts sometimes. Right in the back of the eyes. Dull, throbbing pain. Play videogames! There's that mind numbing visual stimulation. "But I need to push!" These words echo in my mind, way back there just beyond the visual stimulation waiting for the right time to get louder. I have to leave. Time to push. Always pushing. My ideas will have to wait.