H7N9 Pandemic In America Read Count : 163

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Just now reading Time's feature story
WARNING: The next global security threat isn't what you think

Here is the skinny- H7N9 strain "Bird Flu" has just made the leap from birds to humans in China. If this infectious disease outbreak goes global, as is very possible, the death toll could be tens of millions!

Here is the problem-We are very much behind on preparedness to control such an outbreak in the U.S.

The article tells us that our health system's ability to contain this disease is broken. Since Fake President came into office, key government health positions remain unfilled, including the Director of the CDC (Center for Disease Control). The budget Fake President proposed in March would slash critical funding at the Dept of Health & Human Services by $15.1 billion, including cuts to the National Institutes of Health, which underwrites infectious disease research. Additionally, funding for the State Department is proposed to be cut 28%. The State Dept funds efforts to stop diseases overseas, where they usually originate, before they are carried to our shores via global travelers. 

Instead of cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires, we should be funding this research, no? This is no joke. What if your mother, wife or child or you would die from H7N9? Rich people will die from this as well. What good will those extra dollars do them then?

Instead of focusing on important 
Issues like this, Fake President is obsessed by crowd size, imagined illegal voters, getting to his resorts to golf and trying to look presidential. This is the source of my outrage. He is by far, the most unqualified president in our history.

Congress, you awake??? Article 25 needs to be engaged.




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