Seductive Tantilizations Read Count : 167

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Erotic
       "Oh you must be the person others have been talking about." A person randomly says to Stacy. Stacy looks up from her cup of joe and asks surprised, "Excuse me but who are you?" "My names Jacob, but call me jake for short." Jake extends his hand welcomingly.

      "I'm Stacy." Stacy replies taking and shaking Jake's hand. "Now what are other people mentioning about me?" She looks Jake dead eyed and asks curiously. "Oh, that well you see it's not really people more like an app." Jake says. Stacy, hesitant for a second, remembers what app Jake is talking about. "Oh, you mean Tinder?" Stacy replies after a moment of comprehension. "Yes that app, it told me you were looking for a good time in my area, so I thought I would find you, and talk to you about it." Jake replies shyly. 

      "Well what about it Jake?" Stacy says as she takes a drink of her coffee, black and no chasers. "I was wondering if you wanted to head to my place and...and have a good time with me?" Jake almost stammers out these words. Stacy already knowing what she was going to say. "Well it depends, Jake, did you read my interests?" Stacy said blatantly. 

      Jake replies after a moment of thinking. "I read something about hot wax, domenatrix, and I think dungeons?" "Wow, look at you, all shy about even talking sexual." Said Stacy. "This ought to be fun." She chuckles. A silence fills the air. Jake finally breaks the silence, "so,I guess, you want to go back to my place,or do you want to go to your place?" Says Jake unwaveringly confident this time. Stacy picked up on this and actually looked him over this time. Stacy thought to herself as she looked at him top to bottom, "Well he has a nice tan going on, ohhh what is this?" Stacy almost said out loud. "He is a ripped son of a bitch!" She thought ."And those eyes are so comforting, I am already getting wet just thinking about it!" Stacy's pussy started to get moist and wanted what was between Jake's legs. Stacy shifted a little in hope's of ignoring the sensation down below. It helped only a little bit.

     Stacy ventures down further. "Oh my god, he is a solid 8 inches at least!" Stacy thought exictedly, as she seen the rough outline of a huge bulge on Jake's right leg. "You like what you see Stacy?" Jake breaks Stacy's train of thought of imagining his dick slipping in and out of her pussy. "Oh, sorry ummmm, yes Jake I do and I think it is best if we went back to my place for the good time." Stacy says kind of side tracked.

     Jake only chuckles. "What is funny to you?" Stacy interrupts. "Nothing really, I swear." Jake says in between his chuckling. "Well it is about two o'clock right now." Stacy says while she is staring at her black coffee. She looks back at Jake's eyes, for some reason she is most attracted to those. "Let's say about seven o'clock you come over?" She replies to Jake smoothly. "Sure thing Stacy, I already know where you live because of Tinder." Jake says plainly. "I will see you then." Jake says as he gets out of the chair and casually walks away. "See you later Jake." Stacy says even though Jake isn't around to hear her.

     Stacy gets up, after she finishes her coffee, and casually walks to her car and gets in. "I can't wait until later, his dick is gonna feel so good when it cums inside my moist...moist pussy." Stacy thinks to herself on the way home.

       She gets home and immediately looks at the time. "Five thirty-three, shit I got to wait too long my pussy is already getting excited." Stacy says to herself. "I better calm it down at least." Stacy says licking her lips. She decides to play with herself in the bathtub. "I will save the main course for later." She thinks to herself as she undresses and starts up the tub. About three minutes later, Stacy is in the tub caressing her left tit and rubbing the nipple while rubbing her solid clit.

     "Omahgawwwd that feels goooooood." Stacy lets out a little moan. She all the while is thinking about Jake and that dick of his. She then places two digits inside her pussy and places her other hand on her clit. Stacy then begins to thrust her two digits in and out her pussy while rubbing her clit. "Just a little more, that's it right there." Stacy then let's out a loud moan. "I think I am going to cum." Stacy say loudly. "Here I gooooo!" 
 "Ahhh...ahhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"  Stacy lets out the loudest moan she has ever heard. "Wow that was amazing, I can't wait till seven o'clock for the real fun to begin." Stacy looks lazily over at the clock. "It is...six thirty, I need to get ready for tonight." Stacy hurridely gets out of the tub and drains it.
     "He will be here soon, I hope he is ready for me, I feel like S&M tonight." Stacy says as she hears the doorbell ring. "I hope that is him." Stacy says as she hurriedly runs down the stairs and opens the front door. "Hello beautiful, I hope you're ready for one hell of a time tonight." Jake says as he enters the house and closes the door behind him.

                        The End


  • 😂

    Feb 06, 2018

  • Gregory Black

    Gregory Black

    what lol what is funny?

    Feb 06, 2018

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