Supper Bowl Sunday
Read Count : 140
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Comedy
So I do this thing right around this time once a year. I get a big bowl. I mean really big. Like your going to mix a bag of cement in it big. Anyway, I take this bowl, and I eat my dinner out of it. It takes a few months to really sort out the ingredients. Of course I always have the staples that I throw in most of the time. Some of them I haven't used in ages though, I mean like since 1985 when I threw what seemed like the whole refrigerator in there. I let all the ingredients stew until the best ones rise to the top. Then I know it's time to eat. So on the big day, I invite a bunch of people over to watch me eat it. It's really a big deal. My neighbor even sings a song before I eat it. Fifteen minutes later, right after she finishes singing (I have to admit, she tends to drag it out a bit and never seems to sing it the way it's intended to be sung, but hey, what do I know?), this one neighbor who used to be some kind of big shot years ago, flips a coin to decide if I'm going to use a fork or a spoon to eat it. After all this hullabaloo is done, it's time to dig in. Eh, I could go on about how most of the people aren't really there to eat out of my super-sized bowl, they just show up to have a few drinks (oddly enough, however, they love to watch when I take breaks--it's like some giant corporation was spending absurd amounts of money to get people to talk about what I did during my breaks the next day). Yes, I could go on, but why bother? Nobody really cares about my supper bowl anyway; they're too busy thinking up excuses of why they can't work the next day.