Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
You are born to an average family, but it’s OK to be a part of average family.Don’t criticize your family for that and learn to be happy with your conditions because the world is comprised mostly of average people, isn’t it?Take your fate as an opportunity and always think about growth. The feel of becoming an outlier from an average human being is totally different. Observe, learn and be crazy about your passion. Don’t wait for others to help you, nobody can help you until and unless you help yourself. Always aim to reach higher and higher but don’t forget the lower ones because they were your only building blocks at the time when nobody stood by you.
You are good at nothing, but it’s OK to be an obscure.Keep on doing things you love to do and never give up because that one day will come when you will find what you are good at. No problem in being an obscure because it tells you that your talent is something peculiar that is why it is taking a lot of time to come into limelight . Remember this line – “It takes a lot of time and effort to make something amazing”. May be you are the next amazing thing that the world is going to have.The number of talented people may be increasing day by day but the number of good human beings is falling down. If not anything then just be a good human being because may be that is what world needs now.
You earn very less, but it’s OK to have a light wallet.Be thankful to your life for making you a person who is able to earn at-least something, even though very less but something. Because there are millions and millions of people who sleep empty stomach without a roof above them. So start working honestly on your weaknesses that is hindering you from earning more and remember to be a good human being because a light conscience is lot more important than a heavy wallet.
You are not good-looking, but it’s OK to be ugly.A person is handsome, beautiful, lovely, stunning, attractive or charming with his actions, with his thoughts, with his words, with his behavior, with his achievements. So be that person who is good in all these and your looks won’t matter even a bit. Of-course good looks has positive part on its side but why to regret and waste time thinking about it if you were born with bad looks. It is something which you cannot help so it’s better start on things which can actually help you become a beautiful person from inside.
You are not like him/her, but it’s OK to be yourself.Don’t complain on not being able to become like someone else whom you adore. Don’t always copy what others do, it is not the way you should live. Learn from your idols, make them your inspiration but do what your heart says. Every individual has some unique qualities in them, so be what you are instead of pretending to be someone you want to be like.