Wanted: Beginning Read Count : 164

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
"I told you," he said walking back and forth, "I told you but you didn't listen!" He flashed a lamp in my face, and stared at me. He locked them on me like a lion does to a gazelle before striking. He slapped me. I looked up and saw two other men standing next to him.
"These two will take 'care' of you while I'm gone," said the man leaving the room.

The two men picked me up and tossed me to the ground. I spat up blood, they kicked me until they had enough. They took turns punching and kicking me, was sore from head to toe; couldn't move an inch. They laughed. Lunch came around, they left me on the floor gasping for air and laying in my pool of blood.
"I got to get out of here!" I thought.

I got up and searched for the exit. A gun was fired, I began to run for the exit. The two men followed me, shooting at me. An alarm was sounded, a group of security guards ran past the two men and chased me. I looked back they pulled out a baton and ran faster. I kept running while they kept chasing after me. I saw a light, I ran towards it; I jumped out of the building.

I ran into the forest, looking for something sharp to break the rope that held my wrist together. After an hour, I found a sharp rock. I pulled out my phone.
"Hey, its me. I need your help," I paused, " Like old times.
"Alright, where are you?" he asked.
"Black Owl Forest," I answered.
"Ok, I'll be there." he hung up.


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