Cheated Deck Read Count : 162

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
It's like a game of cards.
You can always rig the deck..
Stack the cards, As you shuffle..
Just so YOU get the very best.
You can play and play, win and win, over and over till you see me topple right on over. 
Even though I know it's so.. 
You hold my beating heart and watch it grow.
It's yours it's yours you say in a small and evil mutter.. 
You lie for you are really with another. 
My mind is pinned you strangle me from air.
Piece by piece you grasp my hopes and dreams.
Leaving nothing but a pit of my own screams. 
It's all apart of this game you see.
This cheated deck of love, leaving me
But no. 
To you I say,
YOU will not get YOUR way.
I will deal. And unravel you lies,
I will make you crumble as I rise.
I will conquer you with pleasure and walk away from that safe feeling treasure.
I am not greedy. 
Nor unfair..
I will walk away
From this disgraceful afair.. 
You are free as am I.
Go back and take your sweetie pie.
I got bigger fish to fry. 


  • Awesome!

    Jan 23, 2018

  • bill Grams-Byrne

    Bill Grams-Byrne

    Well expressed,sad, so sad. I don't want to rate it's not something I feel comfortable with.

    Jan 23, 2018

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