Care & Comfort – Womanhood Read Count : 130

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
If men too have cycles,

then they understand

Care and Comfort,

more than sex.

If men too pause, with

Physical & emotion hardship,

then they understand

the real beauty of woman.

Not all men.

But most men, mainly the new generation, never come to know about the true need of the woman. And the view on love is so filthy, love never ends with kisses, hugs and sex. Women knows love better, so the next time she rejects you, it’s plain. Accept it and improve you, she knows what’s love and what’s not love.

Love is not about sex or physical touch. Love is making her special, the care & comfort, opening doors for her, respecting her, helping her during cycles, understanding her during mood swings, and lots and lots of compassion. You should take care like a mom who take care of a child. But this child is more able, more talented and more pure.

To sum love in three words, I would say,


Before fall in love, understand womanhood. Every woman deserves the care and comfort, women, the beautiful form of human kind, see beyond her skin and don’t restrict the meaning of beauty and love only through visually.

Take care of her, every ‘her’.

Respect her, every ‘her’.

Understand her, every ‘her’.

Love all, hate none.

Respect for womanhood.


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