The Babysitter (Pt. 2)
Read Count : 148
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
By: Michael Speicher Chapter 2 Sarah was in the living room watching television. Another half hour went by since she laid Stacy down for bed. She was getting sleepy and it was only going on 9 pm. She got up and strolled into the kitchen. Mrs. Ward had it decorated with coca cola nick knacks. She opened the fridge and laughed all that Coca-Cola stuff and there's Faygo in the fridge. She grabbed a Faygo Cola out and cracked it open, she took a sip and headed back for more television. Sarah was watching Rambo hide in the mud when she heard movement coming from upstairs in Stacy's room, could Stacy be awake walking around? Maybe getting into something she wasn't supposed to. Sarah decided she better go check on her, it was better safe than sorry she thought. She was up the stairs walking through the hallway to Stacy's door. There was a loud crash and some thuds, then it was silent. The crash caused Sarah to jump, truthfully she felt like her heart was going to explode in her chest popping both lungs. She was frightened all a sudden. She got to Stacy's door and said: "Stacy you up in there?" Of course, there was no answer. Sarah was shaking as she slowly turned the doorknob. The door slowly opened letting light from the hall into the bedroom. Sarah gasped when she looked inside. Stacy's blanket was on the floor and her closet door was open. Stacy, however, was not in the room. Her first thought was that she was hiding under the bed. So Sarah checked there and Stacy wasn't there. She went to the closet and almost fell, the closet floor was gone... It was just a big hole leading through the ground, the wooden floor was gone. It looked like some kind of black hole had opened up in Stacy's bedroom.