Chapter 4: A New Friendship Read Count : 58

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
The morning rays woke Sarah up from her sleep. She groggily rubbed her eyes and pulled the blanket closer. She could hear a slight shuffling sound from a near by bed. It took Sarah a few moments for the realization that she was not home to sink in. She felt a chill in the air which made her reluctant to get out from under the covers. Winter would soon arrive bringing with a great cold and snow. Sarah could recall that when she was younger she loved to Rob around and play in the snow. As she grew older her love for the snow diminished. Over time she learned of the harshness that winter brought. She has lost her best friend to the cold winter. 

Sarah sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her roommate was already out of bed beginning to dress herself. From the side profile that Sarah had the woman approximately in her 20s and was very skinny, she probably missed a few meals here and their to save money. She had long brown curly hair that when she stood straight up reached her hips. 

"Hello, my name is Sarah." Not wanting to make things awkward by just starting at her Sarah stood to also dress herself. 

"My name is Daisy. It is a pleasure to meet you." Daisy has a very kind smile which she made with close lips. When Daisy talked Sarah could she that she was missing a few if her teeth. "I wanted to meet you last night but you were dead to the world when I returned."

"Yes the journey here took a lot out of me." 
Sarah watched as Daisy did her hair first making braids then wrapping the braids over the top of her head and finishing by pulling the rest of her hair into a bun. Sarah has only ever been taught to tie her hair up with her ribbon. She had never even seen the ladies around the village put so much effort into their hair.

"Well today is my day off, you must allow me to show you around." Daisy said as more of a statement than a suggestion.

"Yes, certainly. Perhaps that will help me find a job."

"The owner says you didn't know how long you would be in town, why is that?" Daisy inquired while Sarah finished dressing.

"I am looking for my father and siblings. They came over before me. Though I am not certain where they are" 

"Ah, we get a few families like that here. Sometimes it takes years to find one another. Well enough of that, let us be off." Daisy linked arms with Sarah guiding her out the door.

They passed by some other lodgers, they were all female but of varying  ages some were children one girl looked to be about ten. On the other side some looked to be in their sixties. But each lodger they had passed had the same working hands. 

"Right so first things first, I most definitely must show you the best places to eat within the city. After that we'll go to where I work and see if we can find a position for you."


  • Awe... this is great!

    Jan 24, 2018

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