#661 IT’S YUMMY AND QUICK Read Count : 150

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
It’s dinner time and I need a meal
I hear the children beginning to squeal

I throw some hamburger in a pan
Crumble it up and fry it as I stand

When all brown and ready for use
Add a large can of V-8 juice
(Can substitute tomato sauce or crushed tomatoes)

Then pared potatoes chopped up
And some carrots, one or two cups

When all are soft stirred by you
You have a pan of Hamburger Stew

© Copyright 200702.17 by Jean E. Gorney

(Got this recipe from my Mother-in-Law Anna Gorney when I first got married.)


  • good

    Mar 10, 2018

  • Its good

    May 13, 2018

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