It Chapter One
Read Count : 122
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Gorgie Later on a stormy night bill made a boat for Gorgie. He called the boat 's.s gorgie. Then Gorgie ran outside to test the boat but it went to far it swurved round corners and followed onto Jackson street. He tried to catch the boat but it went into the sewers. Then he shouted "NO " AND fell to the ground where the sewers lay. Soon after that there was a strange clown in the sewers then gorgie fell back and looked into them. After that the clown said "hiy'a gorgie you want a balloon "Gorgie answered back "I'm not ment to talk to strangers". "Well me pennywise you gorgie "you gorgie me pennywise "gorgie said what is your full name" my full name is pennywise the dancing clown do you want your boat back" "yes please " "take it "whispered pennywise "take hen he Roche in and pennywise ripped gorgie arm of in one bite and grabbed gorgie and pulled him into the sewers and ate him.