Demon Lover (Questions)
Read Count : 167
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
After school ... Atticus and Jazmine went into the public library. Jazmine's favorite places to be alone in the world. She decided that they come here since not every girl in the school that was falling in love with Atticus would follow them into a library. "So as I said last night I would tell you everything of my existence today." They both were sitting across from each other between two tall bookshelves. "I'll let you ask any question there is that you feel comfortable with knowing about. There are a lot things about me that you won't get to know all at once." He says to her. Jazmine had a lot of questions. Especially starting with how he knew her mother. "Um how did you know my mother?" "Well she was the one that summoned me." "How?" She asks. He sighs. "And before you tell me how...why would she summon a demon?" Atticus closes his eyes and sighs again. He was thinking about Mari one more time until he told anything to her daughter. "Ah, you really want to know that part of the story. Well here goes..." Jazmine looked at him nervously. She hoped that all truth would come from a demon. "You see, your mother Mari had been raped on her way home one night. It was a set up from her classmates at school. She wanted to kill herself. She had ran away with those thoughts swarming inside her mind. Without knowing her surroundings she had approached a forest. A forest very unknown to her and everyone here. She fell in tears. Until that one wish she had request was granted." He looked at Jazmine. He took a look at her ring. "She had wished that all those who have tormented her in the past would meet their punishment for their misdeeds. It was so happen to say I had been there that night searching for my ring. I must have made some noise coming her way and it gave that poor girl a chill. She tried to run, but there wasn't anyone chasing her. I wasn't interested in her presence until...she stumbled upon the ring I had been there to search for." At that time when Mari had found the ring she had seen Atticus. He was in his human form in that moment. That last thing she had wanted to see was a beautiful face. But a face like that wasn't exactly kind towards her. "Who are you?" She asks him. Atticus looks at Mari having the feeling that his ring was somewhere by her. "..." Atticus had finally spotted the ring. It was in her reach not his. " I believe you may have found something of mine...do you mind giving it to me?" He looked at the ring in front of her. Mari had saw the ring. Instead of giving it to him she admired it. It was an odd ring that she had never seen before. "Little girl, please hand over my ring." Mari looked at Atticus. She wondered why he wanted a ring like that. "Why should I give it to you? You probably stolen it. And you're after one ring, but you didn't seem to care why I was in this forest. So why should I give a precious ring to a cold hearted person?" Atticus chuckles. He examined her and sought to find out she was assaulted. Even though he didn't want to scare her he thought he had tried to make her wish come true. In that moment Mari had put on the ring. Atticus' real identity was revealed to her afterwards, but she paid no mind to it. She was getting her revenge and without her or Atticus knowing it they had fallen in love with each other. "And that's how she ended up summoning me. It was unexpected for her, but she had a lot reasons to see me as an opportunity." Atticus had answered her first two questions. It reminded him the night of his first true love encounter. "Did this ring really protect my mother from you attacking her? I mean why would you want to if she took the ring off?" Atticus sighs. "Oh you aren't much alike you're mother from what I'm starting to see. She had a minimum amount of questions unlike you."